[REQ] A few specific vegetation clipmaps
Hi people, I'm resorting to the forum because using the Google images and search didn't help much.
I'm hoping someone might have some clipmaps (or images, I'm sure one can find out how to make clipmaps once you have the images) of the following vegetation types, it need not be exact, so long as it can pass for it: "Celtis Sinensis" tree, "Vitis SP" (non fruiting vine) creeper, "Wisteria Sinensis" creeper, "Myrtus Communis" shrub, "Syzigium Paniculatum" shrub, "Plumbago" flower bed.
Thanks in advance!
In the go-2-school.com podcast, they discussed , using photo shop, how to create tileable textures. If you can create the trunk and branches, or shoots --whatever the case may be-- and create a shape of what the outer foliage is (i.e. ball, rectangle, teardrop, cone etc.) With the ability of transparent background in PS it will allow to show though to the branches, or whatever, creating the illusion of an actual tree or shub ir ... whatever. hehe, I'm sounding like a valley girl .. or whetever lol
Mike RL
Julian, sorry brother but I have searched my library at home and work and cannot find what you need.
Eric and Mike, I'm making some other plans at the moment. Thanks for the efforts.