Some of my works
Wild. Totally wild.
Thanks !
"The Kidnapping" is online on my website
Le Pied -intérieur-
- - Le Soleil - - une photo du soleil en armure d'apparat , dans la maison de ses parents , le jour précédant la scène de l'Opéra .
le Braincube (
Wow! Sorry no words.
insects wich some parts were made in sketchup.
a little pink panda .
furnitures were made in sketchup.a dark version.
a turkey in a kitchen (the kitchen only was made in Sketchup)
thanks for your comments .
the insect is crazy
Thanks guys
Insanely great! Thanks for note on process.
Thanks pbacot
wow that's deserve be in a movie!
fantastic works, very dark style
thanks alexandre
who knows who put me there ?
orgelf의 멋진 스케치업 작품을 감상하세요~~
Sketchucation를 돌아다니다보니 꽤 재미있는 작업을 하시는 분들이 많더군요.이번에는 orgelf 라는 분의 독특하면서도 괴상하기도 한(?) 작품세계를 구경해보도록 합시다.스케치업으로 작업뒤 클립스튜디오로 후작업을 했다고 합니다. 원본링크 :
세상에서 가장 쉬운 스케치업 강좌 (
I had a metting with this black lovely person some days ago!
and you won.
flawless victory .
Four animations I made in Blender with Sketchup models .
Thanks for your comments