Proxy Battle
nice. I like this oily, reflective texture.
is that an image or procedural? looks like the latter to me. really nice indeed.
which engine did you use, GreyHead? -
this is great .
Fred, your form explorations seem to inspire people.I love both the native SU output as some of the renderings.
@plot-paris: Jakob, that last proxied/instanced one
! Terrific.
It's Jackson Pollock in 3D.@Fred: Have you tried Cheetah on the Mac for rendering? It's not the most photoreal engine, but it seems to work quite well.
Here's an amphibious version, undercooked I'm afraid as I had to do a restart
@plot-paris: It's a Kerkythea render and the 'metal' is a multi-layered 'Ashikhmin' material by Patrick Nieborg (I think) - not a procedural - the four layers have different rotations.
a bit of playing arround with freds sculpture and indigos proxy-funktion...
so this is "fred x 555"
I'm just sitting on the beach and enjoying the show.
Very cool renders all!