Convert dashed lines to regular lines
Perhaps the Rick W's ExtendCLosestLines will do what you want.
Kenny, you can SHOW HIDDEN GEOMETRY, select the whole fence line and UNHIDE the hidden portions. Then, you can use repair_broken_lines.rb to join it all back together.
Thanks for the ideas but I've tried both scripts and neither works. Attached is an extract of the dashed line I'm talking about.
Oh, it's a dashed line not made by the DashedLines script. In that case, running CloseOpens is what you want. You'll get one extraneous line at the end, but otherwise, you'll be good to go.
Thanks for the reply Todd. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but when I run CloseOpens only one or two lines join, the majority refuse to join together. I've tried it with and without the option of saving. I also have 'progress bar' installed and it doesn't show either.
I suspect your dashed line is part of a larger model. In that case, are you only selecting those lines which make up the dashed lines or are you running it against your whole model? Can you send me the model?
Todd, Yes it is part of a larger model but I'm not sure what difference that would make. I've tried running the script on all the dashed lines in the whole model but still no success.
I've attached the model here. One file is my working model, the other is the original survey. You'll see the original survey has the dashed line as a block. Before importing it into my working file I saved it as a 2D DWG to ensure it was flattened. I also deleted the small lines running at right angles between the dashes.
Seems to work perfect for me. Can you do a short "tutorial", showing (with still captures and naratives) the steps you are taking?
Thanks for your patience on this Todd. On closer examination, when I run it, it will join 2 lines together, but only 2 whether I select 2 lines or 200. My steps are as follows:
- Select all the required lines
- Go to plug ins and select Close Opens
- Answer yes or no to saving it (makes no difference)
- Click Ok
It will then join 2 dashed lines only and that's it. I've also tried it on my laptop with the same result. I've also attached screen captures of the above steps
Wow. Can you capture the summary dialog box that tells how many lines were drawn?
I just imported the .dwg file. The "dasd lines" are coming in as components. Try this - select everything, right click, and Explode. Then, try close opens as you did before.