Barack Obama - What a surprise!
Perhaps reading this may help all those who thought Barack Obama represented "real" change, to wake up.
Yet again, despite all the media hype, we see that there is no real difference between the main establishment parties.
No change. Same S**t. -
I think we have to give him a chance.
in any case he is going to take the chance.
So lets ,=)?
dream -
They should have sent ....Chuck Norris.
@mr s said:
Perhaps reading this may help all those who thought Barack Obama represented "real" change, to wake up.
Yet again, despite all the media hype, we see that there is no real difference between the main establishment parties.
No change. Same S**t.Yet more stories, will this never end?
i must hear something about the US elections at least 5 times a day either on the radio, TV or in the paper.
You know the most annoying thing? i really could not give a crap about who the next president is, and yet our media seems to be obsessed with it.
surely i'm not the only one who feels this way? it's actually got to the point now where if i hear something on the radio i turn it off, same with the TV. you don't want to know what i do with the news paper!obviously i'm not trying to offend anyone (least of all you Mr S.) and i realise that for an american this is very important, i feel the same during our general election, i'm just getting red up, call it selfish, but i am.
can i just ask anyone from the US, is there much media coverage of our political process? it would be interesting to see if the same thing is going on over there!RANT OVER
@kwistenbiebel said:
They should have sent ....Chuck Norris.
don't worry, he's watching, and waiting for the right moment...he he
Remember 'president' Ronald Reagan (washed up movie actor) and later on 'Governor' Schwarzenegger (muscle for brain)....?
So Chuck Norris as next Americas finest seems to fit the job description.And now seriously: Does it really matter who is the Big Cahuna?
I always have the impression a president is the puppy of some large multinationals pulling the strings.You don't get to choose the person. You get to choose the multinationals you love to be screwed by instead.
It definitly matters. Just look what we have now. I guess it can only get better
It's not a coincidence that the smears just started recently, remember this man has been a U.S. senator for 2 years without much negative fan fare. I'm sure you can find another source on the internet that supports the other side.
He's still human you know. -
@pav_3j said:
can i just ask anyone from the US, is there much media coverage of our political process? it would be interesting to see if the same thing is going on over there!
The American media is blind to the rest of the world, unless there's a tragedy somewhere such as an earthquake, tsunami, etc. Since Reagan did such a good job, Maybe Chuck Norris is the solution!!
The Governator has done what everyone thought was impossible... Govern California.
I think he would make a good president. Maybe we should change the constitution for him?
I actually like both Obama and McCain. It's funny now how the media is saying McCain is so right wing when for the past 15 years they've been saying how Liberal he is.Either one of these guys will be a good and welcome change. Both are good people who have overcome adversity in their lives. Adversity always breeds the best in people that overcome it. My vote may come down to a coin flip? Or maybe go with Obama since I'm from Ala'bom'ah.
cue Deliverance music..
Lol@Chuck for pres.
Living in Dallas (Chuckland) I would rather him NOT be an option, he is way too conservative and religiously fundemental.
As for Obama vs McCain, I would like to see Obama take it as he offers new hope and a change from angry white men with lobbyist interests before ours, even though McCain is not as swayed by the backroom deals as the rest of the republican 'Good old boys' he is still a conservative with a millitant solution to any foriegn issue, he is not up to speed with the economy (he even admitted to it) and he does not even have a plan for healthcare. I do however like the fact that he is a straight talker and votes on fact and conviction not on party lines, and I believe he is the only one with a border solution.
Even though my choice is Obama, McCain winning would still be a win for the USA.
Anyone who is serious about this election and wants real change should check out Ralph Nader. Before you laugh and judge, do yourself a favor and youtube him and his running mate Matt Gonzalez. He provides a shocking insight into the state of modern politics and government and offers a straightforward approach to changing it. He stands for removing corporate influence from government which, in my opinion, is the root of everything that is wrong with it today.
Just go do a little research and I think you'll find that McCain/Obama rhetoric quite shallow.
What about the man himself Ron Paul? now there is a man of change, too bad we are not ready for his reforms. As long as we have big business running this country we will never get real change.
Maybe Nader is a man of real change but so is my friend who shoes horses for a living, and I think they both have the same chance of making it to the white house.
I always wonder what they mean by "change". Seems every candidate promises change, but seems business always proceeds as always. The people and policies may change, but the procedures don't. The Federal Government has evolved over 200 years; how much change can a president expect to make in 4-8 years?
Well said Daniel.
Daniel, same thing I thought...before the last 4-8 years!
One man can make a difference as Tom mentioned above, look how G.W Bush changed the world in his visit.
He who pays the piper calls the tune! And that about
sums it sum for American politics. The amounts of
money that has to be raised by a candidate is unreal.
How can any non billionaire not sell his /her soul
along the way. Obama clearly looks to have done so
from what he was saying originally and is now saying!I would also have SERIOUS worries if elected that he
will last course!Mike
I agree that BO's explaination for his flip: flopped ( :`) completely...and he lost a bit of respect (mine too) in the process. But the bottomline is that he raised his hundreds of millions, soon to be doubled+ they say, one voter at a time...that's money I think should be spent as it was intended: to defeat his opponent!
I'll probably vote for Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate. I voted for GWB twice and he has angered and disappointed me greatly. I am so Goddamn sick and tired of Congress' ineptitude and unwillingness to address important issues. Neither Obama nor McCain are capable of REAL change.
Don't forget that Perot got 19% of the vote in 1992. Third parties can be viable.
If they could change anything why aren't they changing gas prices now. Are not these guy's already in office? We still have a president and congress. Why do they have to wait to be president before change happens? Everyone wants lower gas prices, right. That would be a welcomed change now!