Hand drawn art.
The point is that i almost replace hand drawings with 3d modeling,
i rather prefer to start a car from 0 in 3d than making a sketch.
when i was at school i drowe a lot on my notebooks,on the desck
,on the blackboard(tuning cars posted in magazines,newspaopers straight on the page
) but just from lateral because or i don t have the eye formated for making something complicated or is because i have no experience.
So when i m modeling the ideeas comes as the model upgraded.As u could see on my cars there are not verry detailed(i try to improve that).
Now i wish i can do some studies but is quiet expensive so maybe modeling will be just my hobby.
P.S :the drawing by todd is luciano pavarotti or that actor who looks like him imo
hey, monsterzero, you sketch (whitch is really good by the way) kind of reminds me of a dark trooper form star wars. (here comes the part only i would know, im a nerd. arent we all?) the dark trooper was employed by the evil galactic empire, but were never seen in the films. they were, infact, robots and not humans. as such, they were never trusted with anything more than small blaster pistol. i think the epmire was destroyed before they could be fully developed by Vader's R&D team, but im not shure. here is a link for more info:
and here is an image similar to you sketch:
http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Image;Darktrooper.jpgPS: remus, thanks for the prespective tip on my sketch, i knew something was up with the hood area (bonet to you guys in the UK). i will try to do a new sketch and fix it.
on the mean time, here's another one of mine. i was just messing around while trying to master reflection. there are a few errors, but whaterver. -
im sorry, did i scare you all away with my nerdy-nes?
i would post some more of my stuff, but myscanner wont pick up all the light pencil marks. guess i'll just have to take a picture of it then. i have a really good drawing done all in pen, but a friend has i right now. i will have it back soon though. trust me, everyone i showed it to went "woah, did you draw that? thats really good!". yes, that was an actual quote.
im so modest, aren't i?
Very observant, Igor. The Dark Trooper was first conceived of for the game Dark Forces released by LucasArts. I was the creator and writer for the concept as well as the art director for that game. That was some time ago
The information on the wiki is pretty accurate. When you say that they weren't trusted with larger weapons, I'd say that isn't correct. In fact they had pretty large and powerful weapons - too large for a human to hold with just one hand. The Phase III weapon could be held by putting the rather large magazine on a human's shoulder and operated with two hands - yet in the D Trooper could hold it in one. In short those guys are huge!
I used to draw incessantly when I was young. I wanted to be a cartoonist at one point, but I became distracted by computers when I found that I could actually earn a living as a programmer (this was in 1965!), and that most cartoonists are starving.
My pencil and ink drawings have long been replaced by computer graphics, but I still have an example or two of my earlier stuff. Here's my vision of the Department Store Santa of Christmas Future as the front of a Christmas card I did in 1976:
And here's a vector graphic I did of it a couple of years ago in Xara X:
Obviously, I need to do a SketchUp version, and make it a trilogy...
@unknownuser said:
Here's one of my pencil drawings. Can you tell who it is?
IT's Daniel Stern . ..the Actor! Probably from Home alone.
I do a lot of drawing. . .check out the doodle's thread. . .but here are some of my Renderings. . .the Work Stuff.
A lot of these were done with SketchUp as the underlay.
I know they're not hand drawn but here's some of my Photoshop stuff.
i know, excuses excuses... im still waiting for a friend to return a notebook of mine that i did this doodle that kept growing into a full-fledged drawing. done in this style:
the style/genre is called steampunk, and its awsome. -
@unknownuser said:
OK, that's it. No more posting any of my drawings. Now you know what I don't draw for a living.
I think it would only be fair if we posted some scripts
I found these - did them about '85 or '86 during my college days while studying Industrial Design at Auburn University.
Does it count as "hand drawn" if I'm using ellipse templates and French curves?
What are "French curves"
Wow nevr thought ppl would even remember drawings in a 3d software forum
i used to draw too. Ahhh elementary, well some of middle school. I used to trade my drawings of the side view of any car i could come up wit to this kid in 5th grade for chocolates and hershey bars. I draw a little better now ima post some up tomorrow
@unknownuser said:
What are "French curves"
Tssk, Pilou, you should know the answer to that one! Voilร :
I did a quick self-portrait for this thread. I used to be better when I was still in art school. Skills fade when you don't use them. Oh, if anyone here's contemplating going to art school, this tip will do you a world of good: whenever having female fellow students over, keep some droopy-eyed self-portraits around. "You're so sensitive." Yah!
OK, that's it. No more posting any of my drawings. Now you know why I don't draw for a living.