Hand drawn art.
a place to put your non-su works of art. not pixels and bits, but pencil and paper. if you're comfetable with it, you can even post poems (i wont be doing that, im not much of a poet)
maybe Elisei will be inspired.
seriously? No one on here draws with pencils and paper anymore? I did say that this was open to anyone, didn't I?
don't be afraid! Post something! More of my stuff is coming soon. I just have to scan it into my computer.
So post something! Gaieus and I both think its a good idea.BTW, I'm posting this from my iPod touch, so some speeling mistakes are inevitable.
I do do the occasional sketch, but nothing worth showing, really. My stuffs all jsut really quick ideas that i then turn in to glorious 3D. I do wish i could draw though, and i look forward to seeing everyone else's stuff.
aw, c'mon remus! even if you dont think its good, someone out there will think its really cool. besides, you are probably suffering from what i call the "driver's license effect", where you think you look really bad in you dirver's license picture, but everyone else looks great. i've found the same thing translates into art: you think your drawing stinks, but everyone elses' looks awsome. see what i mean?
my scaner is refusing to work, so i will have to hold off on posting stuff for now, but i want to see everyone else's sketches! it could even be a painting, as long as you can take a pic of it or put it on a scaner.
PS: dont worry if you have driver's license effect about your drawings, practicly everyone else has it too.
i can t acces the link
please someone be kind and download the image and post it here.
thx a lot!
u really are 14 lol
maybe u can give me a front and an end for it else i must make something from me
Good stuff igor, i tihnk the perspectives a bit off on that last one though, not that im one to talk really.
And i might post some of it up if i can find anything that doesnt look to bad.
Beautiful work Alan, but I would never have expected anything different.
hehehe chill down igor,i didn t belive that u have 14 so when u post the drawings i realize that u really are 14 years old
I used to draw - back in the '90s.
At the time, I was collecting a lot of animation art, and was inspired by the Disney original watercolor background scenes that were selling for $40,000.
I decided I wanted to learn to watercolor, so I looked up a watercolor class. The instructor asked if I had ever drawn before. I said not really, so she told me to take a drawing class first. So, I took a drawing class and found I really liked it. Never did get back to watercolors after that.
@igor said:
besides, you are probably suffering from what i call the "driver's license effect", where you think you look really bad in you dirver's license picture, but everyone else looks great. i've found the same thing translates into art: you think your drawing stinks, but everyone elses' looks awsome. see what i mean?
I call this "Guitar Players Syndrome" where you think every other guitar player is better than you, and they think you're better than them.
I can't draw, so here are some of my "audio doodles"
http://the.j.walkers.googlepages.com/06_song.mp3 -
Any Industrial Designer worth their weight in salt who's ever worked on developing lots of ideas really fast will tell you there is nothing that will ever replace hand-generated sketching. Period.
Hand-generated sketching is vital to virtually all engineering drawing and design related careers. Generally, drawings are used to capture and develop ideas. Often, if not usually, drawings used in professional practice begin with a sketch - production drawings, development drawings, working out problems, blah, blah, blah.
Jim - I hear ya on that one. I can never look at my old art (or new for that matter). The feeling and joy of finishing a drawing/project and loving it. Seconds later, I'd look at it and feel ashamed at the mess I created. Oh well.
Here's an old concept I did way back when:
My blog post that went with that drawing:
http://www.giantmonster.tv/giant/?p=319I don't think it's perfect, but I always loved the attitude in the gesture. Amazingly poor shaping in the helmet though. Ugh.
Stinkie as an old man?
I didn't think it was that bad!!
@unknownuser said:
Here's one of my pencil drawings. Can you tell who it is?
Is it Gomez from the original Adam's Family TV show?