SketchUp-Ruby Resources
Just found this depository of Plugins for SU. There a lot of known ones but nevertheless mayby useful. -
Thanks for your effort. Cheers
I imagine a link to contact each plugins developer would be appreciated by the authors
thx again it's very very nice!
thanx for this awesome thread! i give it a 10
Jim, maybe include the path to install plugins on Mac as well. That one seem to be the most confusing amongst users it seems.
@vashstamp3de said:
I hope this helps...(and not violating someone
Good Luck!Just point the Windowizer link to Smustard, please. It currently points to a broken link on RLD.
Might be worth noting that definition names can't be trusted to be unique:
Very nice list Dan!
@dan rathbun said:
Ruby Best Practices, by Gregory T. Brown
** PDF one looks very interesting.
@thomthom said:
Very nice list Dan!
Thanks.. (but I didn't find all these myself.) I had it posted over at GG, but it kept getting farther down the topic stack. Over here I know right where it is, and can format it.
@thomthom said:
This one looks very interesting.
Jim found that one.
P.S. - @Jim your free to cut and paste anything from here to the top of the thread.
UPDATES / ADDITIONS (in this topic.)
Edited Instructions to be more clear and precise.
Added DLL for:
- latest Ruby v 1.8.7 p330
Added CHMs for:
- latest Ruby v 1.8.7 p330* latest Ruby v 1.9.2 p136
This site has many videos of Ruby talks recorded at various Ruby Conferences -
Some good stuff there - if you can find them...
Where to find the .h file of msvcrt-ruby18.dll file ?
@rricon said:
Where to find the .h file of msvcrt-ruby18.dll file ?
In the source:
ftp;// -
book: "Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide"
Copyright2000 Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
Released under the terms of the Open Publication License V1.0. -
Chunky Bacon. I didn't see a link for Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby. A true classic.
The Bastards Book of Ruby
A Programming Primer for Counting and Other Unconventional Tasks
Regular Expressions - Regex Tutorial, Examples and Reference - Regexp Patterns
At you will find a wide range of in-depth information about a powerful search pattern language called regular expressions.
Javascript implementation of Ruby. For what its worth.
Ruby to JavaScript compiler, for what it's worth.