Easy and free Render
Well said Pete!
I ahve to agree with you too pete!
Though I think as one starts to venture into the area of photo realism the limit of your output (aside from skill and motivation) is the tools at ones disposal. Free by no means equals crap!
I take a look at Indigo and the development there by one guy!! And the development of the plugin by Whaat. You make a suggestion, he confirms it and then exceeds your expectation in it's implementation! And it's free!
I like to get specific (just a habit). I think if someone does address the tutorial for indigo - explaining mostly the terminology that differs alot from the norm and a preview engine is built into indigo as currently unlike it's main competition maxwell you need to wait quite some time before the render cleans enough to determine your success, then it will make it a rather hard one to beat!
Well said indeed Pete. I too agree that free does not mean crap. Far from it. Kerky, Podium and indigo have brought cheap if not free rendering to the masses. The 3 programs have the ability to output amazing images that give any of the costly renderers a run for their money. I think one thing that sets Maxwell apart is the multi-light function, but like anything else now that that is out it will only be a matter of time before the other programs grab hold of that technology. I think there is a whole different way of thinking in software recently. Before there were not as many options that gave excellent output as there are today and companies are seeing the benefit of offering free software to draw customers in. Autodesk has given away (yes the giant is handing out freebies) Impression 2 to all subscription members. Before one had to buy it, now you just need to download it. So I think the tides are changing a little and the thoughts of big companies are changing as well. I think if someone is just getting into rendering then try a free program, see if it fits your needs and get used to the terminology of rendering. Then if you find there are limitations that you can not live with then look at a renderer that you need to pay for.
Well said indeed Pete...
@richard said:
I take a look at Indigo and the development there by one guy!!
Same can be said for Kerkythea...
@unknownuser said:
I think one thing that sets Maxwell apart is the multi-light function, but like anything else now that that is out it will only be a matter of time before the other programs grab hold of that technology.
English is not my native language, but how is it you usually put it..??
I don't want to spill the beans...
Or is it - I can let the cats out, but not the dogs...
But I see a lot of
if what mariocha is saying is right... -
Hey ! Ho, ho !
I just made myself unclear here, I guess.
No disrespect at all ! Frederik.
On the contrary, my main message is that in all respect for the developpers, one should not hesitate to give them some money for a product he likes.
By no means I meant that all free softs are not good.
Or that expensive ones are better.
I never even said a word about good or bad softs. I only wrote about ease of use.
Very sorry, I am.
But, when a good & easy one is cheap, why not pay a little? as an incentive for the good work.And I agree with Solo too.
I use IDX Renditioner from IMSI: very fast learning curve on both Mac and PC. The Mac version is a bit farther along in capability, but that will change.
Results are not perfect, but very good considering its ease of use. It is an SU plugin.
Can you show us an example of output you made with the renditioner, Bob?
I've just read through the entire thread and I just wanted to say thanks for all the info'. This kind of stuff is invaluable to us Newbies who are only just gtting to grips with Push/Pull
There seem to be 2 front runners in the "Ease Of Use" category, Podium and Maxwell. I'd be interested to see which of these two most of you think is actually the easiest to use (not necessarily the best at rendering, but simple for someone with my very limited skills to use)
@grizzler said:
I've just read through the entire thread and I just wanted to say thanks for all the info'. This kind of stuff is invaluable to us Newbies who are only just gtting to grips with Push/Pull
There seem to be 2 front runners in the "Ease Of Use" category, Podium and Maxwell. I'd be interested to see which of these two most of you think is actually the easiest to use (not necessarily the best at rendering, but simple for someone with my very limited skills to use)
keep in mind grizz that this thread is nearing 5 years old.. while much of the info still applies today.. some of it doesn't..
@unknownuser said:
@grizzler said:
I've just read through the entire thread and I just wanted to say thanks for all the info'. This kind of stuff is invaluable to us Newbies who are only just gtting to grips with Push/Pull
There seem to be 2 front runners in the "Ease Of Use" category, Podium and Maxwell. I'd be interested to see which of these two most of you think is actually the easiest to use (not necessarily the best at rendering, but simple for someone with my very limited skills to use)
keep in mind grizz that this thread is nearing 5 years old.. while much of the info still applies today.. some of it doesn't..