As of today, I am one...
I'm better in Dutch.
I'd love to see more Python in the world. And in the hearts of people.
I mean, just look at Michael Palins face....
They look as they had the time of their lifes -
They probably did. As would I.
Agnostic x3
Like someone said "God in his Heaven. All's right with the world", as soon as someone pushes the God card everything starts to go wrong.
When this movie came out ('The life of Brian'), a lot of us enjoyed it.
Now, don't say that in this era it would suddenly become 'immoral'(I am explicitely trying not to use the word 'blasphemy' here) ?
...because then I should really start to look for different worlds to live in... -
@elysium said:
Agnostic x3
as soon as someone pushes the God card everything starts to go wrong.I wouldn't go that far. I know plenty of well-behaved religious people. lol. It's all about how far one pushes that card.
The same goes, of course, for us atheists and agnostics (I am NOT an agnostic!). If you ask me, the Soviets went too far by banning religion. For some people, religion is the very heart of their existence. I don't understand that, but I do know you shouldn't bereave people of the one thing that, as far as they are concerned, gives their life both meaning and substance.
I do insist on making jokes about religion, though. Obviously. And I must insist Jehova's Witnesses don't come a-knocking before noon.
@unknownuser said:
And I must insist Jehova's Witnesses don't come a-knocking before noon.
He he,...I actually like it to open a door for them and debate a little.
I also love it when a group of 'orange' Hare Krishna's hit the streets, like they sometimes do on the biggest shopping street of Antwerp.
Free street entertainment. I love it -
They still do that? I should really get out more! Now, I've always found my grandmother, who's a very devout Roman Catholic, a tad weird, but them Krishna's could really give her a lesson or two!
As for the Witnesses - I don't argue with them anymore. I just tell them - very, very politely - that I'm an atheist, and that I'm not planning on changing camps. They usually look a bit dissapointed, as I've just handed Lucifer my soul on a gold platter, but they mostly leave without much further ado. ("Let's go. He's lost."
Gee, trust me for sleeping through the night and missing all this!!!
Firstly, this thread started out as a heartfelt thanks to one and all for this community over the past 12 month; I guess we just got a little off topic...
Secondly, I have edited the humourous reference I made about the nails.
So I hereby confess; there is a little to much 'monty' in me....
@utiler said:
I guess we just got a little off topic...
We tend to do that.
Well, to get back on topic: a heartfelt thanks for this community from me too. To atheists, christians and agnostics alike.
(And muslims, buddhists ...
That movie really has a hold on you, stinkie!!!