Things that really piss you off
- The fake bricked up window.
People getting pissed of on a 'what pisses you off' thread
second only to a 'what are you listening to' thread, etc etc etc etc -
hey, are you making fun of my thread? (even though no one replys to it anymore, but whatever)
The idas entioned in this article:
I dont really wat to expand because anything i sya is liekly to turn in to an incomprehensible blur of obscenities
i second the movement against above link. will those lawers take a chill pill and lessen up on copyright stuff? i mean seriously? illegal to travel with your ipod or laptop?!?!?! do you know what that would mean for the teenagers and bussiness men of the world? please dont let this be like when mp3's first came out and all the lawers were freaking out about copyright stuff and put DRM on everything. then everyone went to peer-to-peer services and the lawers got even more pissed. that pisses me off. and do you realize that if everyone would stop completely freaking out about copyrights, no one would try to pirate movies and make infingements. DUH
DRM = Digital Rights Management
Having to install crappy bits of proprietary software that mess up your computer for ever more to achieve seemingly simple things.
The culprit, steam. I just want to play a bit of geometry wars, a 30mb download, but you need steam first, a program entirely incapable of downloading a program without running constantly and somehow managing to take down an entire network while downloading the game.
To add to the architectural rant: Brick slips are the worst invention ever. Why not just use bricks?
Apparently teachers arent allowed to answer questions any more. (quite a sensitive area, but the point remains.)
Exploding a group of high-poly geometry in Sketchup!!!!
It crashes my rig over and over...
Sucks big time!(Boy, do I love this really ventilates. Feel much better now.
I know what you mean kwist, although i tihnk im gettign a bit reliant on it now, every time i find something mildly annoying i think aobut posting it here, usually manage to reisst though.
@remus said:
every time i find something mildly annoying i think aobut posting it here, usually manage to resist though.
I know what you mean
This time it was more than 'mildly' however -
Poor cad work passed off to those who actually care.
Todays headlines from two sources:
1st one is '75.000 starving kids in Ethiopia' and the other 'Teen obesity critical in US'
Just f*cking crazy!
Robert Mugabe posturing in Rome while the poor in his country starve.
I wonder what pissed this guy off.
This video is insane:
@kwistenbiebel said:
I wonder what pissed this guy off.
This video is insane:......Kwist, how would you feel if your boss comes in and tries to steal all your dirty magazines.
The fact that no ones got the guts to go in there and boot him out, yet they can waltz around the middle east like they own the place.
Sadly armies aren't motivated by ethics but by profit.
Remus, had there been oil in Zimbabwe Mogabe would be a distant memory.