Things that really piss you off
If it’s not suitable, you can inverse that phrase!Perceive:
"Until Jesus is all you have", "you will never know that Jesus is all you need"!Cornel
Your "REALLY" denotes 'POSITIVELY'...?!?
Can you be 'positively' pissed off ?
it pisses me off when people post in a "what pisses you off" thread and then get completely off topic and start being grammar nazis.
just kidding
Relies... on FINAL!
If 'happy END' occur...,...
A little vista pop up that say: "This file is larger than 2 GB" cheers guys, really useful
Im a bit peeved with the whole computer thing at the moment, so please bear with me if i burst in to random little rants about the inadequacy of windows or any programs that run on it.
Ah yes ... Windows. Those "you need permission for this or that" pop ups really tick me off. What were they thinking when they put those in? "Let's add an extra, completely redundant step to several processes"?
And, while I'm at it, bleedin' Windows Media Player. Bloated, useless junk.
Too true stinkie, and they never actually stop anythign that might harm your computer. They just slow down everything else that completely legitimate, like creating a folder in a system dierctory (god forbid you should ever want to do that!)
Yeah. Despite the fact that users have been nagging for years that Windows has too many annoyances (useless stuff + bells and whistles that are only there to impress), Microsoft has not altered it's approach. And that approach is: to pile up features seemingly randomly, instead of coming up with a well-balanced, non-top heavy OS. At times, it seems like MS is clueless.
If I could, I'd switch to Mac OS permanently.
Have you tried uninstalling all the useless junk that you don't use and / or creating a slipstreamed installation disk? That sorts things out pretty well for me, helps to speed up the machine and I don't have to stare into links on my startup menu that I would never use.
No, i havent tried that, altohugh ive heard about it. If i ever claw back the will to confront a windows installation again i'll think about it though.
This doesn't piss me off, but it is annoying/baffling:
Why did the industry decide that three courses of brick equals 8 inches? 8 is not divisible by 3. What were they thinking?
Amen brother.
Punctures! dammed things just wasted 2 hours of my life and promise to gobble up more tomorrow shakes fist
Thieves really piss me off. Two weeks ago (two days after my Birthday) some punk stole my vintage custom cruiser bicycle out from the side of my friends apartment during a party!!!
irrespectful, especially to their parents
and sometimes my bad attitude. i blew it then do it again....
anyway still like ross old saying back in the beginning of this thread..
all the above we can always meet them, but one thing that i will always want to learn how my character will be molded by the above..
Hotmail telling me i need to 'upgrade my browser' every time i want to login.
It was quite annoying the first time and seems to get ever so slightly more annoying every time i see it.
Lipstick on a pig.
when you question something to a fellow on a thread, and you can see the fellow moving around elsewhere, and your answer never arrives.
People who not only SAY nukular...they write it that way too.