Make multiple groups from a single window selection
Dear All,
Is there a script that will allow one to make multiple groups from a single window selection?
Suppose one has many 2D (or 3D) objects which have unconnected geometry, such as a large collection of 2D wood profiles. The ideal would be to select all geometry using a window and have each turned into a group.
Bob -
I think what you are saying is this:
You create 5 faces, and two of them touch each other along a common edge and the other 3 are independent and touch nothing else. You want to do a CTRL+A (or rubber band select) to select all the geometry, activate some Ruby script, and it will create groups automatically based on whether or not the selected geometry touches anything. In the example case, you would get 4 groups - 3 each with one face and its edges, and a 4th group with the two faces that share a common edge.
Is this correct? If so, that would not be too hard to create at all.
edit: Well, I thought I had time in my schedule to write this - but I don't. I can help out whoever wants to do it though.
Dear Todd,
That is exactly what I had in mind. Perhaps someone else might have time, and be keen to do the script.
Bob -
There is a TIG´s plugin called Explode2Groups:
The difference is that you need to do one more step.
-Select all geometry
-Group all
-Use Explode2GroupsHope that helps,
Daniel S
Dear Daniel,
It certainly does, and thank you for the tip.
Bob -
Dear Daniel,
I had an idea which I tried out to great success. I applied the script twice. The first time I "exploded to groups" it made groups of half of the mouldings. I then made a group of the mixed geometry, and exploded to groups"" a second time. Voila! All are now groups. It recognised existing groups and left those alone. Perhaps the script has a limit on the number of groups it will create from unconnected geometry.
Bob -
Strange... I always use this plugin and never have this problem.
Perhaps you have groups inside groups?
What you can try is to explode all.. Select all.. group all, and explode2groups.
I think that there is no limit for the number of groups because I have use it to create more than 600 groups.Daniel S