The many or the few?
If you had to choose between designing for the majority and doing bespoke pieces, which would you go for?
bespoke man, all the way.
any reasoning pav?
i just prefer the word...he he
no in all honesty, i like the idea of creating one offs, just appeals to something in me.
know what i mean?
I tihnk i sort of get what your saying, although i would personally prefer to reate sometihng that is useful for loads of people.
obviously being the one who designs say, the paperclip, or the ipod, or something similar would be great (if nothing else then for the royalties? but i just love the feeling of connecting with a client, and designing something for them on a very personal level.
makes me feel all warm any fuzzy inside! he hepav
Indeed, but itd be wicked to be able to do the same for thousands of people...
@remus said:
Indeed, but itd be wicked to be able to do the same for thousands of people...
you can, just in a lifetime and not all at once.
But you could jsut as easily do a lifetimes work with one product. See the tomato ketchup bottle: a thing of beauty, nigh on perfect in function and bringing joy to the lives of millions worldwide
hmm, i can see your point, though perhaps a ketchup bottle wasn't the best example. he he.
i can think of a great one though.sketchup.
still not changing my mind though
he he
I suppose its all down to preference in the end
Anyone else got anything to add? id liek to hear some more points of view...
yeah, come on peeps.
off down the pub for 12 pints of guinness now.
fancy it remus?pav
Nah, im more a cider man. Thanks for the offer though
my god, i ended up going clubbing in the end.
feeling astonishingly rough now, couldn't quite do a 12 pinter, only got to 9.pav