[Plugin] SU2POV for GSU6
1. I am using a PC and I still am having problems with the Add Point and Spotlight options.
For Point lights I found I have to press the ESC key for it to execute.
For Spotlights, I have to press the ESC key for the 1st prompt to select the target, then when the next prompt for the aperture angle appears my cursors changes but when I click the next step of the script is not triggered and if I press the ESC key the script goes in a loop.2.a. If the Add Point and Spotlight options/scripts can't work for me (possibly because of other scripts I am loading), if I import the .skp light components should they function in a similar manner as if they had been loaded via the scripts?
2.b. Will the components only work if they are placed on the su2pov layer or will they on other layers too?
3. Am I correct that quotes need to be put around the N in ......Output_File_Type="N" ....?
@unknownuser said:
if I import the .skp light components should they function in a similar manner as if they had been loaded via the scripts?
@unknownuser said:
Will the components only work if they are placed on the su2pov layer or will they on other layers too?
If they are on other layers, their geometry can possibly be exported (if this layer is active) and will inhibit light from lighting the scene. The script automatically hides the su2pov layer to prevent this problem.
@unknownuser said:
Am I correct that quotes need to be put around the N in ......Output_File_Type="N" ....?
No, no quotes needed, just: Output_File_Type=N
I'll publish a minor release soon: you'll have additionnal output options such has image size, image format, antialias on/off, alpha channel on/off.
For the image size you'll be able to render the same size as your SU window, or common sizes, or choose your size as usual within pov-ray.
But remember, I want to keep this thing as simple as possible... -
I DO appreciate your designing the script to keep "keep it simple". It is partcularly useful for "beginners" or "casual" users like myself and I thank you for doing so.
I was a bit frustrated that the Point and Area light scripts didn't work as designed for me but since I can import the light components manually it is not that big of a deal.
I do wish cylindrical (smoothed) surfaces could be handled better since they are prevelent in many of my models, but what the POV renderer does offer will be helpful in certain instances. **Question:**Do you think Fred06's the forthcoming subdivision scripts would be helpful in POV generating better renderings of smoothed surfaces?
Hi again,
@unknownuser said:
I was a bit frustrated that the Point and Area light scripts didn't work
Small bug found and fixed. I will publish the patch asap.
@unknownuser said:
Do you think Fred06's the forthcoming subdivision scripts would be helpful in POV generating better renderings of smoothed surfaces?
Yes, as it will creta more faces to represent curved surfaces.
Now let's go to sleep
i catch this when selected Phong Matt in mat.converter, something is wrong.
resent mat.options is normal@unknownuser said:
If you change the color of a Point Light component (by painting the selected component without editing the component), then the SU display of ALL Point Lights are changed to that color as well even though the actual color properties of individual Point Lights (as seen in its Entity Info) are different.
it likes feature of light-group(described in manual of pov-ray).
i remember about unique-function...John, you work with studio-lighting setup?
i add some info in pov-ray editor, for example about area-lights...it's simple... -
@unknownuser said:
If you change the color of a Point Light component (by painting the selected component without editing the component), then the SU display of ALL Point Lights are changed to that color as well even though the actual color properties of individual Point Lights (as seen in its Entity Info) are different.
The PointLight component in "Windmill.skp" is not the good one
because to avoid what you describe, the material of the component must be "default". But I formerly painted the bulb with a yellow material. The su2pov_pl.skp component in the Plugins/su2pov folder is OK.
Sorry for all these little inconveniences... -
Note sure is this is a bug or not.
If you change the color of a Point Light component (by painting the selected component without editing the component), then the SU display of ALL Point Lights are changed to that color as well even though the actual color properties of individual Point Lights (as seen in its Entity Info) are different.
I understand the script is targeted more towards architectural rendering. My work is primarily illustrating non-architectural models. Many times I turn on "Use Sun for Shading" to control the contrast of surfaces, but do NOT display shadows as shadows often 'hide' smaller, intertwined geometry. If it is possible to turn OFF shadows in the POV rendering (as an option) and there is a broad enough demand for this, I'd like you to consider that in some future release.
Likewise, being able to use Point Lights or Spot Lights to subtly accent a part of a model withOUT displaying the bulb would be handy. Perhaps there could be an option for this in their respective edit dialogs at some later time.
This may go over the "adding too much complexity" threshold, I hope its not the case.
Regards, John
Version 3.1. released (at top of this thread)
@John: your suggestions have been included -
thank you for update!
Keep it simple!
it's simple 5-min test work with all Finish mats(with photoshop)
used 2bounce-settings(1 picture...phong matt) and skylight-settings(for 3 pics,... glass, glossy) and without photon-mapping(a few dark places)...then layer post-processing in pshp
Please look at export mat like Phong Matt....i used 3.6 pov-ray
Small bug fix this morning, thanx to ilay7k. -
Thanks for update
esc-pushing error(for placing lights) was fixed by Didier in latest...
John feel free for download it...Can somebody tell about megapov?
I thought I did as I downloaded yesterday. Perhaps a bad link exists. That's the benefit of having the version level listed in the menu.
Hi Didier, a brief follow up.
I haven't had a chance to try the new options except the render with Alpha Channel and I do like that a LOT; I still can't believe that SU isn't capable of doing this natively with their PNG expoxt filter.
What I can tell you is that the two light tools do work for me ONLY IF:
- I import each of their two respective .Skps FIRST so they are registered in the model's component library.
- Then, after selecting a tool from your menu, pressing ESC. This allows the scripts to respond to subsequent mouse clicks.
I am not sure if #1 is related to what the user's default component directory is or not or if it has to do with SU's installed location (mine is C:\programs\SketchUp 6...) .
Could you include the script's version number in the end of the script name listed in the Plugins' Menu? That would help identify if the latest version has been installed.
Hopefully, I can be more deligent this weekend and re-try all the settings of your lastest release.
Regards, John
Hi John,
@unknownuser said:
- I import each of their two respective .Skps FIRST so they are registered in the model's component library.
- Then, after selecting a tool from your menu, pressing ESC. This allows the scripts to respond to subsequent mouse clicks.
I am not sure if #1 is related to what the user's default component directory is or not or if it has to do with SU's installed location (mine is C:\programs\SketchUp 6...) .
All this is fixed now. The compos are loaded from a path relative to the Plugins folder, which Ruby can find by itself. So no matter where your SU main folder is, it MUST load components if they are not already present in the model. I've tested it hundreds of times believe me...
BTW good idea to put the version number in the menu -
I tried downloading again and I see no difference in the light tools and no version level in menu description so I can't verify if I am downloading the wrong version.
Can you post the zip here ... at least temporarily until Monday?
John put time-slider in the right end at shadow-toolbar and export with lights
and some explanation in POV sample scenes and help-system too...Strange, i haven't esc-effect...
Didier, thanks for posting the .Rb.
The component lights are now being found, I no longer have to manually import them prior to using the script,and the version level is displayed.
I still have to press the ESCAPE key to initiate creating the lights with mouse clicks, however.
Questions (of course :}
**1-**In your documentaton you mention that the Sun is automatically "shut off" at night. I had assumed that was when the model was Set to Use Sun for Shading, but this happens as well when it is not set for Use Sun for Shading and also when the rendering setting of Lights is set for lights only. Is this what you intended?**2-**I was curious what the default is for when the script is turned to night mode. Is it a prescribed amount of minutes before the sunset time listed in the Shadows Dialog?
**3-**In your documentation you show the Sun actually being rendered in the sky. How is this done, is it automatically placed (per SU's sun position) once the script is run the first time for a model?
Hi John,
@unknownuser said:
I had assumed that was when the model was Set to Use Sun for Shading, but this happens as well when it is not set for Use Sun for Shading and also when the rendering setting of Lights is set for lights only. Is this what you intended?
I never noticed any difference with that checkbox ticked or not. Here is what the SU help says: "Click on the Use Sun for shading checkbox to shade the faces of your model based on the position of the sun. SketchUp uses standard shading that follows the camera when Use Sun for Shading is not enabled."
Not correct, at least by me: no standard shading that follows the camera. It makes no difference, that's why the script doesn't take care of it...@unknownuser said:
Is it a prescribed amount of minutes before the sunset time listed in the Shadows Dialog?
Almost. The script calculates the "slope" of the sun rays and when it is less or equal than 0 radians it considers that it is night time (sun rays slope is negative during the night because the sun is "behind" the ground). Between 0 and 0.2 radians the color of the sun light is slightly modified (at sunset or sunrise).
@unknownuser said:
In your documentation you show the Sun actually being rendered in the sky. How is this done, is it automatically placed (per SU's sun position) once the script is run the first time for a model?
This is done this way: the script evaluates the angle between camera direction and sun rays vector, and calculates wether the sun is in the field of view or not. When it is, the component "su2pov_sun" is inserted at the right place, then removed after the export is finished. The component uses a png image that goes from white to transparent to mix the sun with the sky color.
Thanks, Didier, for the feedback.
"..When it is, the component "su2pov_sun" is inserted at the right place, then removed after the export is finished. .."
Very clever programming.
Regards, John