Topics about alternative modellers
i understand people's restlessness but, from my own experience, if you do not stick with an app for a long time you wiil never learn all it can do for you.
by the way, i wonder if this topic should not be in the corner bar so that other people could air their opinions on the subject.
go ahead and post this in the CB! i guess only people who are restless can answer this... i stick to SU, i know what it can do and i'm pretty fast. i do not have the time to "play" with other applications, and if i do not have the time, then i guess i will never have the time to apply it either...
I think the main reason is because SU isn't moving forward, just sideways. Many people are getting very fed up with Google's (seemingly) inability to fix some things and update the core programming.
I think a lot of people just like exploring alternatives.
As good as SU is, it certainy cant do a lot of things, and no piece of modelling software can do eveything (as much as maya tries), so i think its a bit silly limiting yourself to just one piece of software.
As to posting aobut alternative modellers on here, i dont really see why not. There are a lot of people who have a lot of experience in visuaisation, and as such they have a lot of experience working with a multitude of bits of software and who better to ask than someone with a lot of experience.
I think one reason why some people may be restless is because Sketchup is ultimately limited in what it can achieve. While great work can be produced with Sketchup, it is very basic when compared with the best 3D packages.
There will also be differences in what people want to model. For architectural models Sketchup is fantastic, but for modelling game creatures there are far better solutions.
I'm interested in 3D modelling. Because of that I love Sketchup. But Sketchup isn't perfect and I'm always open to finding better programs. I have an old copy of Bryce that I've not got into and I've downloaded Maya and Vue PLE's to have a look at. The only reason I haven't looked at them properly is because I want to improve my skills and knowledge of Sketchup before I try something else. DAZ Studio has just released an update and that's free, so I'm looking at that a little to see if that can work better for me.
I think I'd ask Edson why he isn't interested in other programs. Surely most other programs will be able to offer show some way for SU to be improved?
@johnsenior1973 said:
I think I'd ask Edson why he isn't interested in other programs. Surely most other programs will be able to offer show some way for SU to be improved?
hi john,
yes, i am interested in other programs; one must keep one's eyes open for what is been released in the market. who knows, something fantastic can turn up any minute. that is the reason i have been testing several render engines during the last weeks. however, i do not feel this is the right place for talking about alternative programs.
although english is not my native language i do know what alternative means.
as the image above shows, to talk of alternatives to SU sounds as if one was looking for a program to replace it. this is hardly a thing to do at a place which is a kind of second home to SU dedicated users.
thus i would feel more confortable talking about certain features that can be found in app X or Z which i would like to see included in SU 7.
be sure i am not trying to censor anyone. it is just the way the subject is introduced at times that bothers me.
I have on occasion used MOI, Silo and Z-brush to 'compliment' SU. I would prefer to be able to achieve the same results within SU even if It involves slightly more work but is possible, as alternating between different apps taxes one's workflow IMO.
I hardly think people are talking about alternatives to replace SU. Maybe the odd person is, but most people wish to increase their skill base. I look at alternative software to either compliment it or to do a job SU cannot do.
lets start a new forum, we can call it the ATDVSCF
(i.e. the All Three Dimensional Visualisation Software Comunnity Forums)
i think it will catch on...
ha ha
I recently purchased Modo 302 and from the little time I have spent with it I can say it is well worth the money. Not only does it have the tools that many SU'ers have been asking for for quite some time but us also has a very intuitive UV mappper/unwrapper and does excellent rendering all within the native app. Again, I have not got too far into it I am still going through all the tutorials and manual but they are also developing a Sketchup plugin. Currently it is still in beta and is a but buggy. Once that is worked out I can truly put this into my workflow.