Marian's W.I.P.s
OK, some new stuff after a long pause.
I've been working with russel from, info here: and here on texturing and rigging some of my ships and actually making a short film with them.
I do most of the modelling and some texturing while Russel does all the uv mapping and rendering and alot more.
[/url:244fth1a] -
I used subdivide and smooth, someone who bought it was kind enough to give me a copy months ago( i can see this may be frowned upon, hope it's ok).So for many months i hadn't even touched it i hadn't used it at all on any of my works, but after seeing solos's work and others, also that on some sites my cars were criticed for being too choppy and how i should use some other software cause sketchup isn't as good or lacks some fancy tool, i decided it was time to at least give subd. a try, so i used it on this car and was amazed by how much better and more real it looked.
Subd really makes car modelling a lot easier and better, not having to make so many lines.
A very big thanks to Whaat,i promise i'll buy all your plugins when i'll get a job -
@marian said:
I used subdivide and smooth, someone who bought it was kind enough to give me a copy months ago( i can see this may be frowned upon, hope it's ok).
It's not a matter of frowning, Marian.
And it's not OK - at least here, at SCF - to use pirated software of another member of us who is on the other hand generous enough to provide us with several cool but also free plugins.
BTW I know of a particular member here who used to "offer" pirated versions of SDS. I hope we don't need to take actions...@marian said:
Subd really makes car modelling a lot easier and better, not having to make so many lines.
A very big thanks to Whaat,i promise i'll buy all your plugins when i'll get a jobThe sooner the better... "Get a job..."
It's amazing that someone stupid enough to write what you just have can do such good Sketchup work.
I'm sorry this is a problem,i may have did a stupid thing and i'm sorry but i was honest with you guys which i prefer to be, i really did receive it from someone who said he bought it and it wasn't that guy you banned for uploading it here,it wasn't anything shady, i did not spread it publicly on torrents or some other forms and will not do that, i don't make money from modelling or will as this is more of a hobby, so i'm hoping just using it for my hobby if i already have it can be tolerated
, i already promised i'll buy them, i finish college this summer and have to get a job afterwards so, this is the timeframe honestly.
And if this really is a very big deal, i'll try and ask someone to buy it for me or something.
@marian said:
I'm sorry this is a problem,i may have did a stupid thing and i'm sorry but i was honest with you guys which i prefer to be,
That's going to cause you real problems in your life. You're already hampered in life by being really stupid. Being an honest big mouth on top of that is going to get you in big trouble.
Dear John, i know honesty causes problems, but i prefer it to lying,i could have said i bought it and all would be fine, this has nothing to do with stupidity, it is a conscience choice i made, if that is stupidity then fine i'm guilty.I may have been very been ignorant about the issue here, and in this case and i'm willing to do the right thing and buy it, God knows the guy deserves it, and i don't want to be or be thought of as a prick.
@marian said:
Dear John, i know honesty causes problems, but i prefer it to lying,i could have said i bought it and all would be fine, this has nothing to do with stupidity, it is a conscience choice i made
This is some seriously warped reasoning, mate. "Sure I shot him in the head, but hey, at least I'm not lying about it."
What's SDS anyway, $22? I'm sure you could miss that much.
Well, i'm not hiding behind anything, actually i'm looking now at making a paypal account, i have some money, they are for college but like i said i made a mistake and i want't to fix it.
So any advice about paying online is welcomed i'm worried about security... -
@marian said:
Well, i'm not hiding behind anything, actually i'm looking now at making a paypal account, i have some money, they are for college but like i said i made a mistake and i want't to fix it.
So any advice about paying online is welcomed i'm worried about security...So in half an hour you've gone from possibly getting someone else to buy it for you to being able to buy it yourself?
@marian said:
Well, i'm not hiding behind anything, actually i'm looking now at making a paypal account, i have some money, they are for college but like i said i made a mistake and i want't to fix it.
So any advice about paying online is welcomed i'm worried about security...Go with paypal. I've bought from Smustard through PayPal several times, and I've never had any problems.
Thanks stinkie,
@ john: i was going to ask someone who had a paypal account or experience paying online, but couldn't find a friend fitting that description so i changed my mind, and anyway friends are friends untill you ask for money. -
@marian said:
...i really did receive it from someone who said he bought it and it wasn't that guy you banned for uploading it here...
I didn't mean that guy whouploaded it but another one still member.
I know $ 22 might not be a small amount for a student in Eastern Europe (you could live on it for a week or even two if really needed) but at least pay the price of your stupidity now
@unknownuser said:
...When you have done are welcome back here as far as I am concerned.
He's on the right track now, Bruce. We've exchanged a couple of PM's.
Thanks Coen i appreciate your support, you don't need to buy a copy for me, especially for the fact that i don't know if or when i could repay you and it's my responsability, i want to do this on my own, i tryed already to use my card but it's just a banking card so it's no good for internet use....i said i wouldn't sell my models, but to make some money for online use to pay for the plugin, i put those 2 cars on turbosquid for 4 dollars each,i'm afraid it's not enough though, and may not be completely moral.
I apologize again to Dale and i promise even if it takes some time i will purchase not only subsmooth but also booltools and profilebuilder. -
@marian said:
...i don't know if or when i could repay you and it's my responsability, i want to do this on my own, i tryed already to use my card but it's just a banking card so it's no good for internet use...
Chill out; Coen will find the way
Now back on topic and let's see those cars!