Mobile Telecenter Model
Hello Sketchupers,
Our NGO down in Brazil helps poor rural communities get access to the Internet.
We had this idea of creating a mobile community telecenter using an RV with computers,
printer/copier/scanner, and satellite antenna for high-speed Internet.We have all the equipment (computers, satellite antenna, etc) but we are missing the RV.
We were thinking of running a campaign to raise the money to buy the RV and modify
it for our purposes, and it would be very cool if we had a model done in Sketchup
that we could create an animation to put in our website and offer companies the
opportunity to put their logos in the RV in exchange for a donation to build the
mobile telecenter.I even found a RV model in the 3D warehouse that could be used as the base for the new model. wonder if we can find a volunteer in the Sketchup community willing to take on this task and help our non-profit in Brazil. You can see our website at: you want to help, contact me at marco at
EDIT by Coen: E-mail address adjusted to prevent spammers from mining it.
Thanks for your attention,