Thanks Juan. In English it's called camouflage.
I made a transformation of the camouflage texture of Juan to seamless texture ,the green one.
If you guys like it, I'll go to transform the other colours
Hi José,
Yes, nice one! And yes, please, do!
that´s good... try too pud the other colors!
In Freeware GIMP GNU Image Manipulation Program there is a script (script-Fu) for making pattern named "camouflage"!
You can choose three colours to create a custom pattern ¡great!
Try it!
Kind regards
There's a free Photoshop plugin by Van der Lee that will make any number of seamless camouflage patterns. It has a number of Nato and other countries' patterns as presets. It can't manage the small pebbles on desert camo, but it's certainly good enough for most purposes. ought to work in Corel Photopaint or PSP...or anything else that takes a PS compatible plugin.