Norooz (happy new year)
%(#FF0000)[norooz means new/fresh day =20th of march =first day of Iranian year ,based on spring). it starts whit a great national celeberation . i hope all of you were here in iran and you were my guests ! . I quickly modeled and rendered a part of our celebration called "haft seen" or "7s" . a symbolic food collection I'll describe later ( maybe) .
Happy new year to you too
Well, happy new year to you too. Keep the renders coming.
thanx stinkie
here are the symbols: apple ,winager , coins, vegetation , fish , eggs , and other frouts and foods i dont know the names in english . the whole collection means that LIfe is a composition of all tastes , and the fish is symbol for human that shows that BARAKA is all over around us ( like water ) but we dont see it ( like the fish ). -
Thanks for sharing, and happy new year. The render looks great. Lots of interesting pieces. Did you do the fish in SketchUp? On a larger note, what is BARAKA, besides being all around us?
PS Looking forward to hearing more about your modeling techniques.
thanks fred , and happy and joy to you too
like a fish in the water that can't feel it ,we are in Barak (=blessing, abundance, prosperous effect) that sorrounds us and we don't see its shining light . more information: -
Happy New Year tto you and your family,
We have a woman in our office from Iran and she brought in sweet cookies with raisens (they were so good), to celebrate the occassion.
With so many cultures and celebrations, its a wonderful way to go through the year - enjoying everyone's holidays and holy days. Not to mention getting to eat so many wonderful and interesting food!
Thanks for sharing,
Happy New Year, Majid.
thanks all of you for kind words . i wish you and your family/friends , lots of good years , best of my wishes whit who you like "MOST" . ( i think that being whit close friend/family is the best thing everybody can have ) .just imagine :every body likes to live whit who " loves" and spent best of times whit one who "love" and even when is gonna go from this worl , be whit who love . dont you?
so i hope all of your life , being whit whom u love . -
Happy New Year Majid!. To think of it, not a bad day to start a new year.
happy nowrooz majid! isn't nowrooz also the occasion, where a bonfire is lit and people jump over it? what is the meaning of that?
thanx foks and best wishes . dear eeva, the occasion that you say is called "charshanbe soory" that means "celeberation of wednesday" . it is an ancient celeberation that happenes at the last wednesday evening of the year . and means that we give our yellow ( = illness) to fire and get Red (= healthy) from it (we jump happily over the fire and say a poem that means what i wrote). it is a symbolic celeberation . happy to know that you know about this things about Iran
also it is an interesting material here :
Hi majid,
Have a great day
It's wonderful that we can learn about
each others cultures here on SUC and better understand our
yes dear Mike, its really great, here is world of humanity ( not boundries )
. next 3 day will be end of vacation time that starts from NOROOZ and continues to 13th and called "13 be dar" (means going out on 13th) . in this day we go to nature and have some celeberations and then new working year starts.