[Plugin] Auto Centerpoint
Points now get put on CenterPoints layer
Plugin: Auto CenterPoint
Auto Centerpoint automatically adds a centerpoint to circles, arcs, and polygons. Update Sep 2011 - This is an older plugin and not well...
Jim, are you sure the link downloads the latest version?
@jclements said:
Jim, are you sure the link downloads the latest version?
Yes, just copy the new files over top of the ones already installed.
@jclements said:
This may be a bug.
When finishing a circle with the second mouse click, I can't make an entry the VCB to change the radius.
Seems you're right. Let em look into it.
This may be a bug.
When finishing a circle with the second mouse click, I can't make an entry in the VCB to change the radius.
After a brief time away from sketchup, I've decided to give it another shot.
Your plugin seems "spot on" and dare I say: something which would be better off included in the actual program itself.
Kudos and regards,
Chris D, near MTL, canada -
Thanks Chris,
I haven't yet had time to see if I can fix the VCB problem. I had a couple projects come up unexpectedly.
New version is available here:
Plugin: Auto CenterPoint
Auto Centerpoint automatically adds a centerpoint to circles, arcs, and polygons. Update Sep 2011 - This is an older plugin and not well...
Let me know how it works for you.
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
Error Loading File auto_centerpoint.rb
No such file to load -- ruby/singletonOK, should be fixed. You'll need to download again from the same link and try again. Sorry.
As a newbie at sketchup, I was excited to find this ruby script.
The script seems to have installed ok since I do get the little single button menu.
But, how do I use it? I've tried clicking on it first to activate the ruby... but when I use the circle tool... I don't see any center point. And I've tried creating the circle first, and then clicking on the auto center button and then back to the circle again... neither method works. Am I not doing something right?I am running sketchup 6 on an intel-based mac running system 10.5.2.
outersketcher -
I just downloaded it and reinstalled it, and it works. You should have the following files and folders in your Plugins folder:
Then, you can toggle the creation using the toolbar button.
One other thing - points aren't created until you switch tools.
Well, bummer...still can't get it to work yet.
I've double checked the plugins folder and the two folders and file are there.
The plugin button appears and responds to my mouse by going darker when I click on it... but, nothing else happens when I draw the shape and click to a different tool.This might be a Mac thing? Are there any other Mac users using this ruby okay?
It could be a Mac thing - I don't have a way to test on a Mac. However, it should work on both platforms. Can someone try this on a Mac?
I am getting the same message. Im on a PC. I however did not get the RUBY file in my Plugins directory that was shown in the little graphic above.
@unknownuser said:
Error Loading File auto_centerpoint.rb
No such file to load -- ruby/singleton[/quote]
OK, should be fixed. You'll need to download again from the same link and try again. Sorry.[/quote]
Make sure when you extract the .zip file, the folder structure is maintained.
I'm getting the ruby/singleton error as well... have re-downloaded, dir structure is there... any ideas? Thanks!
The folders should be set up like this:
Plugins/ AutoCenterPoint/ acp.png autocp.rb ruby/ singleton.rb
I guess that's the problem, because the zip file I downloaded (both times) has no singleton.rb file or a ruby subdirectory... the other files are there, and properly in their subdirs... but that one is missing altogether... do you see it when you open it?
Wow, I'm very sorry. I thought I checked that .zip file; twice. You are correct - it does not have the ruby/singleton.rb file.
Here is the correct download.