More spaceship stuff
Started off as an attempt to model the ISS, but i got bored part of the way through and started to just add my own stuff. Enjoy people.
Rocking Remus,
Space is always good, so Jack bird bring that action.
You clearly know all about the meat puppets, and their dark intentions.
Our technologies are so utterly feeble... it's such a joke -- they will have their way with us in the end.
Yeah, I drink a few tall boys and hope springs back into focus.
I've warned about the pending interplanetary attack of the Grays back in the day, on the old sketch up site, and of corse often over on the AT boards many times (I've taken out those adds out on the local coupon rag), and yet my words seem to continuously fall on deaf ears (as we are all busy with our personal lives, making crap, and eating).
This being the case, the truth is, without an honest dialog about prevention, we are doomed.
Dig deep into your closets, basements, and garages, and harvest up all the old pornography you have stashed away, and have it at the ready for further instruction.
Fill the liquor cabinets and be on the alert.
Durant "behind the moon" Hapke