The queen is hot, so get it on...
Brothers, and Sisters,
What a Jack bird bit of "what about the next few weeks?..."
This entire endure of "bringing it," has my noggin a bit in the pie hole.
I know there's a point, but on some days, or between some nights, I loose my steel.
I find all things drifting in a state of "who's in charge?"
Popping days like this are best lived with the light dimmed and the six cans flowing...
Not to be a downer on anyones "clicking," but the grim reaper is bugging me today.
I found this picture of a dead fish, and it got me thinking about "who the Jack was this fish?"
Was it happy?
Did it know what happy was?
I took the picture of the fish when I found it on this dock, but didn't think much about it at the time...
We related?
Perhaps I created this fish?
I can't remember, but I feel I had something to do with it.
And I made an fire hole as well... A Jack bird fish hell for my friend.You know what that's about?
Not knowing.
That's what remains the same.
Durant "wish I was sleeping" Hapke
Brothers, and Sisters,
Rendering and working at modeling a "girl cabbage" for my next installment of "oh, that's looking like a, what, photo?"
I'm feeling like writing a Jack bird play about rendering...
It would be hard to write, and need a lot of time to gestate, but I like a challenge, so may do it.
Of course it would be erotic and controversial -- some might say "pornographic," but whatever, I feel it would provide a bit of value, and we all could use more of that... Value in terms of titillation, as it were.
And yeah, I guess LSD would make an appearance in my "fantastic future" play.
I'm not much of a drug taker, not counting alcohol, caffeine, and of course nicotine, but I just think LSD sounds very hip, and it's old school in some way that I find appealing.
I've seen shows on TV that contain bits of old documentaries about taking this drug, and, brother, do they make that action look like a firestorm of a good Jack time.
Naked goings on, and people clicking away at computer screens...
Mostly doing renderings of sorts...
Watching old "what if" kinds of shows.
"What if I could model a simple book of matches, and then spend a bunch of time making it look just like some matches I could go take a photo of?"
Jack bird do it.
This started as a Kerkyteptic render or whatever.
My Jack bird bring it is in hock.
Durant "click it" Hapke
I especially like the fish for some reason
Those are some rather interesting pieces you've got there Durant Hapke, Might I ask what any of them mean?
Big Bob Brother Jacob,
Yeah.... Bring it.
It's all like the Jack bird action, you have that all dialed in...
Your image "Abandoned..."
Your there.
No need for my explanations... A bit of a "bring it," perhaps.
Your on the Jack bird map, as it were.
I'd invite you to get a cold one and contemplate 0=00.
Yeah, baby, get down with AC, and work it.
Work the Thoth, and get naked.
Get naked in front of the mirror, and pull the riches.
Take that old Nintendo controller and expand.
Durant "Render me some bottles" Hapke
Brothers, and Sisters,
Well, I guess I'm not that into the entire rendering deal...
It's fun, but I don't know, I have been having fun, jack a boom.
Then... I started looking around, and then I was all, "wow, I want a taste of that..."
"You do?"
"Sure, it looks tasty, jack bird tasty, what's in it?"
"We have a multitude of killer action and it's all fire it up!"
So, was looking into some different Apps...
Apps... Yeah, that's tech like.
So, I'm thinking about ways to use the story of it and then bust it out.
Rock it.
I feel that it's about "what am I doing?"
That's not a question I can run at day after all long day.
Long days....
Time to smoke and mix a cold one.
So, this nice action people over at LightUp have this deal, a render deal, and I was checking it out.
Durant "real is fake" Hapke
Brothers, and Sisters,
Still looking at all the orbiting planets of "render apps..."
Yeah, I stated "apps."
About art?
What about -- craftsman vs. artist.
Both -- misunderstood.
Imagined this for a long time.
Durant "want a new one" Hapke
Massive Model-Head,
Bring that.
Well put...
I'm about your action, it's all good to me.
Indeed I'm a good bit hung up on said rendering software... yet, not feeling to hectic about it -- though, at times, between days and drinks it appears so.
What I'm feeling is more "I play the six string, now want to handle the fussy electric...."
I want some day glow paints -- have no idea what it might lead to...
Book cover a few posts back is all about "trying things out" -- just like the space program -- "we chose to go to the moon."
Durant "work the walk" Hapke
That last piece of work is somethin special
Brothers, and Sisters,
Working the gland hook action.
Indulge me a bit, and tip one if you have a can handy.
Posted at the running cat render deal:
*I was singing around over at said "Area," the Maya self described users forum...
Not such a fun place... A bit surprising... To me at least...
I don't like to go dark, and it's its own deal...*
Very true, makes me so Jack bird happy to have a joint like this to swim in.
What about getting answers to odd and untested notions?
Jack this site, and you're all misty eyed with solid advice, or at least a bit of "kick it."
So, I have to write about this harry ghost hand, rather this pair of them, that I recently encountered -- very haunted like...
Not at the moment, have a adult date, and need to get out for a bit, and pull some wagons around the back ally.
Durant "Oh, Maya is up in my colin" Hapke
@unknownuser said:
Working the gland hook action.
@unknownuser said:
Not at the moment, have a adult date, and need to get out for a bit, and pull some wagons around the back ally.
Durant "Oh, Maya is up in my colin" Hapke
It's amazing how he can say so much without saying anything rude
Lovely picture Durant.
International Coen,
Bring that, I'm on your wave length, brother, but the set it of a different kind...
What your referring to, I trust is some Jack bird crazy of blazing crazy party den hooked together by said practitioner Arus Eye Baller.
Bring a sandwich and remember, we are heading down memory lane "bowels" today it would seem...
Did a search:
This did slap me, it hurt when I was looking, and effected the construction of my erection building tread shed.
I get so much milage out of all the Jack I find on these threads...
For a while is was tanks, then bug, then guns, then boats (though I didn't do a boat that I can recall... Perhaps it's time).
Bring the fertilized minds.
Wonder what this dude disappeared into?
Perhaps his Glang slaves got him alone and took him out to see the hot hog barn.
Durant "time machine" Hapke
Brothers, and Sisters,
Not much in the Jack bird mood to write about the hairy ghost hands again today.
That action has really been bothering me... I've been unable to sleep, and it's just damn scary.
Smoking is not helping, and the fear aftermath is only getting worse.
It seems very, "ha, ha" I'm thinking, just another "drunken delusion," and sure, I've been there, but this is very real, and I can't shake it for the time being.
To fresh, and to frightening to share... Perhaps end of the week.
In the mean time, when I'm not in the dark corner of the can can room, I've been working on this wild cat cheetah action.
Here's my Jack on spinning numbers.
Durant "oh, that's not so bad" Hapke
Brothers, and Sisters,
Still no harry ghost hand action...
But have been sleeping better, and into the new of the new...
This action of mine is tired...
Messing and slamming with Cheetah... Not noticed many users here, or is it me and my lack of focus...
Bring it to me, you wise and randy batch of bringers.
I love to see the birds in the morning.
Durant "eat sugar" Hapke
That last one looks lovely, Very Realistic. And I'm actually quite fond of the fountain.
Brothers, and Sisters,
Bring it, and wow, bring it.
Spinning as I can on the moment, I've been approached by this "radical" or rather, this "dude" who digs on my graphic scratching...
I was tipping a few cold buckets over that the Cat and the Fiddle, and, and this dude was all about asking that I lend some action to a book deal he's putting together on local art types -- not my world so much -- but "radical" has got some tattoo scribes on line for it, and a curve who oils up and rolls around -- I'm thinking about such.
What I need to know, or am being forced to consider is his whole mania about "image size," or "file size."
He said my Jack images need to be a proper size to print in the book...
Jacking Jack bird. I don't quite orbit this entire issue.
There seems to be the "image size" -- like in photoshop it says 8" x 9" or some Jack, and that's the size I want it to print in the book... But I guess there is this whole "it needs to be a "three K image," or you need to have a lot of pixels...
Rocking hit me with an ice cube -- I thought printers just need to be set at like 120 dpi or some nonsense, but I now understand (or don't understand) that this is not the same as "pixels per inch..." Or is it...
So, brothers, and sisters, here is the keg of beer question.
... Blasting here it is.
If I, DH, want to Jack my action, and give this joker some images on a disc for his booky book, and I want them to fill up an area about nine inches square, what Jack bird size should I make the files?
What would it say in Photoshop about such, in that save menu, would is say, what?
Information from my SU posy would be slam dance appreciated, I'm sure your all in the know here, what with making killer cool books of your awesome furnitrure or buildings, or action.
Light one and swing a tall.
Durant "in the mind mine" Hapke
Here you go DH, you go to "Image" then click on "Image Size" and you will get this. If you look at the lower left corner in photoshop it will tell you how large your file size is... I uploaded a couple of pics... hope this helps!
PS: Please reply to Coen's question... I've been wondering that myself!
the only thing i have found about information of the piXels and how to correct them easily , is in
WindowsPhotoGallery - .
i am no expert
DH, 300dpi is usually fine for most print jobs, fine art books will usually be 600dpi or more.
Dont forget to convert your image from RGB to CMYK, which is the 'palette' that ink printers use. (find it under image/mode)
It can all get horribly complicated getting stuff print ready, but usually you can just give the original file to the printer and they will sort it. But try to get a look at the colour proofs if you can. There can be, (and usually is), a world of difference between your screen colours and the final print job and im betting that this will be important for you.baz
Banging Baz, Bad Boy Bubba, JVS the X, and King Coen N,
Right on, and bring that again...
Sharing, a good Jack bird spin of confusion surrounding this entire printing deal it would seem, seem, and seem.
Having spoken with a confidant, and drinking buddy -- BP PG -- That be Super Brain: Big Packing Pebble Glands -- got the following, so am rolling it up to let you all have a big puff and fire back what you will.
This meeting took place at the Cat and Fiddle over a tall cold pair of drinks (yeah, I paid for them...).
Durant Hapke:
"So I'm a Jack donkey on this entire sad printing angle, what can you tell me about it, Gland Packer?"
Big Packing Pebble Gland:
"Well... the thing is, typically for print you want 300 dots per inch, that's DPI, that's what DPI stands for, Dots Per Inch.... so, 300 DPI minimum.
Durant Hapke:
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"Yeah, 300 DPI... If we step out side, can I bum a smoke?"
Durant Hapke:
"Sure... Let me finish my bucket. What about this 300 number and printing?"
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"So, yeah, this doesn't mean anything if you just deal with raw pixels on monitors... or say putting images onto film and video... Can I order another drink?"
Durant Hapke:
"I thought you said smoke?"
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"Yeah, but I'm trying to quit, maybe just another seven seven..."
Durant Hapke:
"Whatever you like, Pebbles. Hey Skinny Groin"
(At this point I call over Jimmy the barkeep, I call him Jimmy Pants, or Skinny Groin, he hates both, but what can he do? I'm a good paying costumer, and he knows I'm just donkey Jacking him).
Durant Hapke:
"Jimmy, get Packing P another seven seven, yeah, and I'll have another pull... So, how does this relate to printing, Big Pubes?"
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"If you stay in that digital world, you see, you... well, you have only the image... A basic monitor is 72 dpi, higher resolution ones are like 96, and an iPhone is 160 dpi."
Durant Hapke:
"IPhones are kind of... I don't know, it's a lot of... Jack... At the moment at least... I'm not that into them, I guess..."
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"They're great for porn... If you travel... I like that"
Durant Hapke:
"A porn life line?"
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"I like that..."
Durant Hapke:
"I guess if that was a selling point, if the Apple store said, 'you can find a restaurant, buy concert tickets, and bubble all frisky with high fidelity pornography,' I would be feeling are less of a kind of... I don't know, 'have to have one' kind of a toy..."
(Jimmy Pants delivers the fresh round and I flip him a bill).
Durant Hapke:
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"Back at you, D."
Durant Hapke:
"So, the theme of the night, printing."
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"Right, well, most magazines, like say Linux monthly, or National Geographic have photos in them that are like 300 DPI, so an image say, 7 x 9 inches would be 2100 x 2700 minimum..."
Durant Hapke:
"Minimum what?"
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
Durant Hapke:
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"Now, if it's some kind of fine art book, or if it's going to be printed over seas in the far east say, it could be double that for all I know."
Durant Hapke:
"For all you know?"
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"I'm not an expert..."
Durant Hapke:
"Do you know any, experts that is?"
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"No, I don't know that there are any... it's strange... Should we go smoke?"
Durant Hapke:
"Is that the end of your mostly lame explanation of what size my images need to be? I'm still feeling like a Jack goose running from a donkey round knob in the dark."
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"Well, let me see... A 150 dpi at 12 x 18 inches would be the same number of pixels, 2100 x 2700,
which would be the same as a 600 dpi 3.5 x 4.5 inch image."Durant Hapke:
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"Printed size will be the dimension of the pixel size divided by dpi..."
Durant Hapke:
"Stop... We can go smoke now..."
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"The required number of pixels is the dpi multiplied by the size in inches or what you want to print..."
Durant Hapke:
"Stop, now Gland Master Flash, just stop."
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
Durant Hapke:
"Yeah, stop, and let's go smoke..."
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"I'll show you my IPhone..."
Durant Hapke:
"You going to get all... you know, sweaty and moist?"
Big Packing Pebble Glands:
"Not likely. You feel alright about your images now?"
Durant Hapke:
"Let's go."
So, there you have it.
Not sure what to make of any of that.
Oh... Coen's question... Yeah, I'll hook in on that sometime.
Durant "what a pickle" Hapke