First attempts with digital watercolours
Sintra, I took your first image and ran a quick PS process on it. On one I used a slight textured background, on the other I left it off.
Hi PKast,
Nice to see a different interpretation of the the image, i have actually done some tweaking on them myself lightened the sky and decreased the coverage of the sky.
I am really starting to love these type of images i normally do alot of renders in kerkythea and always will do but these are great to do quick to show clients. The clients for the project really liked the images and thought they were hand drawn
i took it as complment.
Kind regards
sintra: keep us posted as you refine your technique/use it on different projects. It will be nice to see where you go with this
I have another coule of projets i am working on at minute i will post them when finished.
Yes, keep us posted with your latest work.
Hi All,
Here are my latest watercolours, there are four different views of the same street scene just from different angles.
Kind regards
And the final one
Some more scenes from the above same project.
Darren, these are great...your style is quiet, pleasing, and quite powerful! I like the "final one" the best since the shaded wall adds a good measure of interest and a bit of drama (plus the tree shadow adds so much).
Love to see this one with the bike guy replacing the slightly distorted auto on the right...might "slow down" the road to "pedestrian" make it less of a barrier to be crossed.
Hi All,
tomsdesk glad you like them
Here are the latest versions of this project, i have added some sketchy lines to the face of the properties and also to the roof.
Kind regards
and the rest ....
Hi Darren, glad to see you are posting on here now since the death of the old SU forums
. I'm not really much of a fan of water colours either digital or manually painted tbh and there are far more qualified opinions in this area here than mine but my Β£0.02 worth would be to try outputing without using the tiled SU grass and build it up manually in PS perhaps with the addition of some grass blades/weed at the intersection of the stone wall. At the moment its just too 'clean' and needs a bit of saturation variation in the tones for me to feel as though it is a watercolour.
Be sure to post your updates