Where's the Catchup Newsletter?
I've been gone for a while and am hopefully coming back pretty soon. But I have absolutely no idea what's been going on. I would very much appreciate another Catchup edition.
Welcome back. As for this board, the focus has been exclusively on transferring messages from the old board to this new board running a new version of the software. It was a manual process and took longer than anticipated - it was just finished today, as a matter of fact. I'm sure there are some loose ends to tie up. After that, work will begin on all the suggested improvements made by members of the community.
Your username makes me think you're some kind of design/engineering superhero - "ArchitectBoy, just back from his fortress of solitude where he endured the time-honored traditions of his right-of-passage ceremony - emerges as... ArchitectMan!"
Hi Darrel, long time no see. Welcome back!
Jim's right - just tell me any time and I can rename you "ArchitectMan"
Wow, just finally finished eh? Well I do think I'm back temporarily, I leave to our states capitol Olimpia, Washington on March 2nd for a week as a page.