Idea: View Cropper?
ok, i feel this might be a great idea
suppose i am modelling inside a complex set of rooms, floors etc, there i go modelling happy when a flick of the orbit and walls start advancing menacingly etc etc, you know the story.
in my dream instead i have a little button that when pressed hides everything that is outside of the screen view. but of course when i finish i just click the button again and the previous view state is brought back in all its glory... what do you think?
I don't understand. Got a picture?
imagine you are working on a staircase inside your model - you draw a marquee around the working area and everything not in the marquee gets hidden (walls, doors, beams etc etc - regardless of layer group etc)
let me know if still obscure i will try with an image after sleep...
You mean like the "hide rest of model" ruby script? Like, for instance, this script:
Hi Cadfather, this would be a good feature. The best I can do is tell you how I work, and I like it a lot.
I set the spacebar to be my shortcut for 'hide rest of model'... so when I enter a group, I can hit the spacebar to toggle quickly all other geometry off and on. I set the "`" key for "hide other component instances", so that I can do the same with them.
This way the orbit focuses only on the geometry close to me (unless it's a very large group)
As soon as I show this to intermediate SU users in our office, they love it, use it, and never look back.
Also, selecting an object in your view may help you get the orbit to 'keep it's focus' a bit... but I'm sure you knew all that... just added it for the benefit of a user who may not.
yes Todd, something along the lines of hide all - but when i have many groups selecting becomes difficult though it is what i do and also like Fletch i do
a view cropper would be like the selection tool operating also inside of groups and components..
btw Fletch, thanks for all the KT help you have been giving - i have been a silent recipient of your wisdom for some time.
@cadfather said:
...btw Fletch, thanks for all the KT help you have been giving - i have been a silent recipient of your wisdom for some time.
Me too...