Things to be proud of!
is that insider info Willo3? does everyone know that? if not I know what stock I'm buying this week...
afraid it's already happened... it was a little while ago, I believe they are in the process of the merge
the insider info you really should be looking for out of Canada, is Lulu Lemon, a yoga based clothing company (exploding here in Canada, crazy popular) They have announced that they will be going public, and if I can get my hands on some o dat stock, I will just retire! lol
Check it out!
I might play with that mouse and read those quips all night long... lol
My favourite 5? The modern flushing toilet...who cares whether it's a vortex or not.
The steam engine. Railways. The electric motor. Antibiotics.
BTW. did you know that the first manned, powered, controlled, heavier-than-air flight was in Sheffield in 1848? The only trouble was that it used a steam engine, as the internal combustion engine hadn't been invented, so it's development potential was rather limited.
Here's a few varied and mildly interesting Liverpool World records...mostly achievements rather than inventions.
First Grammar School (1522)
First recorded cargo from America (1648)
First lending library (1758)
First lighthouse to use parabolic reflectors (1763)
First public use of Ether as an anaesthetic (1776)
First US consul...James Maury (1790)
First School for the Blind (1791)
First School for the Deaf (1825)
First public railway...and fatality (1830)
First scheduled transatlantic service (1840)
SPCA, later RSPCA founded (1841)
First Medical Officer of Health (1847)
First Rugby Club (1857)
Received the surrender of the last Confederate ship, CSS Shenandoah (1865)
(Liverpool had built quite a few of the CSS Alabama)
First under-river railway tunnel (1886)
First overhead electric railway (1893)
First automatic telephone exchange (1912)
First lighthouse equipped with radar (1947)
First bank to use a computer (1960)
First police force to use CCTV (1964) -
From the USA:
The skyscraper
The elevator
air conditioning
Rock-n-Rolllast but not least....SketchUp!
Canada- Invented Alex Trebek
I was pretty sure hes a cyborg...
@shaun tennant said:
Canada- Invented Alex Trebek.
Ohhhh. Let me catch my breath. Hmmm.
Another for the USA, DISC GOLF
Australia has made it's mark in a few areas.
- the Ute (1934), known in the US as a pickup.
- the IVF freeze-thaw method for storing embryos (1983.
- anti-counterfeiting technology for banknotes (1992).
- Penicillin (1944)'s antibiotic properties were discovered and developed by Australian Howard Florey.
- the plastic disposable syringe (1949).
- ultrasound (1976), pioneered in Australia
- black box flight recorders (1961)
- Racecam TV sport coverage (1979).
When I was at boarding school in New Zealand I spend a sunday playing around in the prototype of what became The Hamilton Jet Boat and later the Jet Ski.
- the Ute (1934), known in the US as a pickup.
I knew there was a reason I loved Australia...
Ohh, this is right up my alley. I specialized in weird topics for my oral speeches in high school: I did one on the history of the toilet:
the first flush was over 2000 years ago in Crete:The Brassiere is named after Phillipe de Brassiere but he never patented it and the patent instead went to an engineer named Otto Titzling. (watch how you pronounce that) His marketing managaer was Hans Delving. (never mind)
I did onE on the history of Swearing too, shall I get started?
Hell yeah.
Canadians Frederick Banting & Charles Best discovered insulin in 1922. Estimates show there are more than 15 million diabetics living today who would have died at an early age without insulin.
YOu asked for it "Gadzooks" (God's Hooks), "sblood" (God's blood)
A CURSE: "may you grow like an onion, with your head in the ground"
Kansas City inventions include:
Teflon, Eskimo Pie, M&M candy coating, the jazz jam session, the swing sound in jazz music, Wishbone salad dressing, the McDonald's Happy Meal, the multi-screen theater concept.
Proud of:
That "melts in your mouth, not in your hands" coating it pretty amazing...and tasty!
Inventions claimed to be Finnish:
Women's right to vote (1906)
The Molotov Cocktail
The mobile phone (Nokia is a Finnish company that originally made rubber boots and car tyres)Anssi
I hate to correct you, but the multiplex is a Canadian invention... -
Other canadians inventions;
- Lightbulb (first patented) - Henry Woodward (1874)
- Garbage bag (green plastic) - Harry Wasyluk and Larry Hanson (1950s)
- Snowblower - Arthur Sicard (1927)
- Snowmobile - Joseph-Armand Bombardier (1937)
- Anti-Gravity Suit Invented by Wilbur Rounding Franks in 1941
- Electric Car Heater - Thomas Ahearn invented the first electric car heater in 1890
- Kerosene Invented by Doctor Abraham Gesner in 1846
- Music Synthesizer Invented by Hugh Le Caine in 1945
- Walkie-Talkie Invented by Donald L. Hings in 1942
- Wireless Radio Invented by Reginald A. Fessenden in 1900
and one of the best!
- zipper - Invented by Gideon Sundback (1913)
And I think then all of these inventors was under 14 years old!!!
Will, I stand corrected...
"North America's first two-screen theatre, The Elgin Theatre was created in 1957 by Nat Taylor in Ottawa, Ontario, when he expanded the 20 year old facility. Taylor is credited as inventor of the multiplex or cineplex, and later founded the Cineplex Odeon Corporation, opening the 18-screen Toronto Eaton Centre Cineplex, the world's largest at the time.[1]
Stanley Durwood of American Multi-Cinema (now AMC Theatres) pioneered what would become the multiplex in 1963 after realizing that he could operate several attached auditoriums with the same staff needed for one through careful management of the start times for each movie."
...sorta. (I actually thought I'd get static about the Happy Meal, so proud are we :`)
Some inventions by Hungarians (not all developed in Hungary - we all know of "brain-draining"...)
- safety matches
- dinamo
- carburator
- soda water
- helicopter
- ball pen
- the basics of modern informatics (computering)
- vitamine C
- the "BASIC" progamming language
- diesel and gas turbines
- the "Zeppelin"
- the nuclear reactor and later - though in "team work" - the atomic &hydrogene bombs (well, not to be very proud - or at least happy - of/with it...)
- the automatic telephone centre
- stereo radio broadcasting
- transformator (among others)
- micro-groove record player
- holography
- and last but not lest: the Rubic cube...