Star Trek U.S.S. Thrace
Very good ! Keep it up
Thanks, and I am keeping it up although rather slow
Thanks Coen and James for the kind words.
I started the ship by making the saucer section, which was inspired by the galaxy class ships(Picard's first Enterprise). I didn't use the cut in half method so the ship is not perfectly symetrical, the saucer is but the windows are random . After the saucer i just came up with stuff as I went along...and for what details should be added i was guided by people on
Some impotant plugins for making trek ships are weld.rb and copyalongpath.rb so you can add the windows all the way round, you need some patience especially beacause of copyalongpath.rb's shortcomings.
Here you can see the evolution of the ship:
and here is 3d model:
And some new blueprints, which are already absolete as i changed the bay area and added windows to engineering.
Brothers, and Sisters,
What about space X-Rays?...
Didn't know such technologies existed... Kind of an interplanetary what? Anti terrorist deal?
Yeah, that and perhaps a way to check of illegal aliens... That joke is very old, we've all seen MIB... But I'm a bit serious.
So yeah, I know a lot of curves and dudes into that Trek action... I know this one chick who writes that crazy homosexual interlude stuff... You see that killer NIN rip off of said finally?
Yeah, I can hook you up:
Wow, I wish I had made that.
And what about the new "All digitally enhanced action?" That pile worth a bit of hard earned coin?
Durant "Pocket full of Centons" Hapke
marian, you've out done yourself. great work!
Thanks Igor and Durant.But Durant, what are you talking about!?
great work
Bring it...
Bring the space sandwich, and order a large...
A large sandwich with all manner of Jack bird alien meats... Seasoned spicy of course, spicy hot with a cold mug of all Red Planet Ale...
So yeah, I know there is x-rays in space, but the blue renders of the killer Trek ship look all like massive x-rays of a robotic head (or electronic glands... Glands attract automatons...).
Perhaps it's the blue... I'm all down with the model, Jack bird great blasting work...
I've been fighting the grays here in town lately, down by this old culvert under the freeway. They all come out of this small track of woods, and hang out there -- dumb meat puppets -- just stand in a row in the dark and listen to the sound of cars going by.
I imagine they evens drop on the conversations, but what? How interesting can that be?
I through a bunch of old Penthouse magazines under there last week, and a twelve back of PBR, and it made the hole batch of them go full rumble mental... I mean they went out of their cone bucket gourds.
Wow, I mean they where scratching and poking each other in the big black eye just to get their thin little digits all aver that curve action... They think in pods of course, but sure as Jack bird don't know how to share -- good for us I hope, hard to wage a war when your all trying to snag your friends porn...
Oh well, it's just like that.
Durant "I see the light" Hapke
Marian, The work you've been doing is absolutely amazing. Have you had a chance to run some of your models through animation software?
Unfortunately i haven't attempted to animate or make some proper renders.And i don't think i'll be able for a while as i'm on my older pc which is not very render/animation friendly and besides that i don't have any expertise in animation or enough patience for it
well, seems like that's the next logical step for you.
i would say give Blender a shot but i think it's interface can be a bit frustrating.
maybe sign up for a Vue trial, that's pretty easy to get up and running.