Re: Some Funny Pics.
Prepare to be inspired
Sorry , embedding is something that is just beyond me. Don't know why.
[mod=:2bg0024j]Use the bbvideo tags and remove the final 's' from the httpS://...TIG
thx TIG.
let's see if I can do this.
Le Petit Chef
Ils sont fous ces francais!
Have you ever play a game for many years, let's say a life time, and a game event happens like this. 2 baskets for one shot.
Wisconsin vs Orgeon
Royle flush of basket Ball
the funny part if you can picture this ”Dekker’s unlikely shot should’ve counted as 4 points, Fansided noted, but as Wisconsin had already called a time out, it didn't count at all"
You have a dirty mind, look closely.
Sometime it's better to run than to hide.
Silver medal
William Richardson / Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards -
I'm guessing that's supposed to be a balloon sword. I hope it is.
2 for 1: Save money by combining the bachelor party with the kid's birthday. Everyone's a winner!
The 3D Printer blues
Using the R & R place for your R & D maybe a bad ideal.
(the wife) Why not time share it with the fire place.
Now this is a heated argument, in a small home without a car garage.
How can this even happen?
@solo said:
How can this even happen?
[attachment=0:26mwxv74]<!-- ia0 -->c04c20b9-b989-4618-89f9-b5b4662ba34d.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:26mwxv74]
Eh. what's the big deal. Nothing a little Photoshop can't fix. All is well.
@solo said:
How can this even happen?
[attachment=0:25ezll3k]<!-- ia0 -->c04c20b9-b989-4618-89f9-b5b4662ba34d.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:25ezll3k]
Yeah, Using three columns is atrocious!
The nerdiest most awesome safety video ever.
Hey sonny boy.
I saw this on my way to work today.
Your chance to learn Swedish...
...or not.
what plugin make this thing BTW? (I mean curve) he-he