Re: Some Funny Pics.
Wearing socks with those shoes is rather strange, wouldnt you agree?
Wearing socks with those panties (in the lack of a better word) or in fact wearing those socks and/or those panties is insult to mankind in itself!
Csaba - now I'm insulted! I was just relaxing at home when the propane tank exploded and I had to escape. I didn't know there would be a photographer there snapping pics. Still I'm glad to be alive -- and glad I didn't have on the Cleopatra outfit that I borrowed from you.
Regards, Ross
@gaieus said:
Wearing socks with those panties (in the lack of a better word) or in fact wearing those socks and/or those panties is insult to mankind in itself!
I believe "manties" is the word you're looking for.
I would ask how you know that jackson, but im slightly afraid of the answer
I'm quite sure the owner of this car will say "Ooohhh sh****t", when he sees it...
@remus said:
Attack of the Hover Dogs
For a series that includes these same dogs, go here and skip ahead to page 7 and 8. Start at the Flying Sharks and you'll see a series take shape through page 8. (warning: some unsavory language). first page of the thread shows a link for making your own motivational posters. Enjoy.
some people.