Convention booth VR
I love that picture of Wolverine!
Thanks man! I'm going to try that. I think this would be nice in many ways for clients, it's a bit more interactive than a still shot.
I'm not able to get the ruby, I must be doing something wrong. I checked for it on Smustard and couldn't find it. Hummmmmm? Anyone?
Gotcha! No problemo. I appreciate it. Thanks
With work like that its no wonder you are landing some very cool clients!
I'm just super jealous! -
haha...right place right time,
like i said, its their textures that make the model
but thank you.
Jason, thank you so much for posting the ruby and the GoCubic. It is almost too easy.
I am about to go on vacation so I won't be able to post any up but as soon as I get back I will do so.Thanks again, you just gave me a new skill to add to my portfolio.
Really amazing. Thanks for the links, Jason.
Jason, you are my new best friend.
This was an interior I did recently. SWEET! ...
that looks awesome, eric. i admit, i dont use this enough b/c its so simple and so much more powerful.
i cant believe you guys have missed all the posts on this
i'm glad i could revive it
I'm glad you revived it too. I completely missed any earlier posts on this. I used to use smooth panorama out of 3dVIZ but i like the fact you can create something a little more loose looking.
There has been a topic on this here:
but check Martin's Kerky-rendered QT panorama I referred to in my first post!There is a lot to catch up!
see..i wasnt lying