House wip
Purty... good start
The occasional little cottage is really fun to do, huh? Swell start, Mike! How far are you gonna get to take the model?
that's a lot of roof! go for it!
i am going to model the entire site trees and landscape
by the time i am done still got alot of work ahead of me
yes this is fun stuff for me from what i do most of the time most of my work is commerical work
yes this is alot of roof
i think total sq.ft of this house is about 6500 sfthanks
mike d -
Great work Mike. This, again, is the power of SketchUp in the right hands. I look forward to seeing this progress
Great Mike...
I like the heavyness of the timber on the front... and the Trellis... can't wqait to see more... keep us tuned in.
marked001, and kris as soon as i get more done i will post itthanks
mike d -
i hate figuring out roof intersections! and you've got alot of them.. awesome start though.. cant wait to see the progress.
this was the first complex roof i think i've ever done..and i vastly underestimated it and really half-assed it.. haha.. ... ncele7.jpg (did not model the site)