Interior Daylit Apartment- SU & VRay
Just a simple test model, trying to get the most out of pure daylighting without fake lights or emitters and without silly render times or artefacts. I upped the contrast and saturation in Photoshop a little to compensate for VRay's tendency to render slightly desaturated images. I'm sure I can sort this out in Vray with a bit more experimentation- perhaps with a bit of gamma correction.
I can't remember exactly, but I think this took about 2 hours to render on my laptop at 1400 by 800px. Without reflection on the floor, windows and cabinets it would probably have taken 15 minutes... gotta love Vray!
Fantastic photo
, thanks for sharing!
Vray is apparantly setup for Linear Workflow so that is probably why you are finding desaturation of colours. If you aren't happy with the results you can either- Change the output gamma from 2.2 to 2.6 (vray system settings box) * Apply a colour correction curve in the VFB * Save the image as .exr (32-bit full float) and play about with the gamma in photoshop
Thanks D,
I read somewhere on the Vray forum about gamma correction to counteract desaturation- I followed their advice, but it didn't seem to help. I'll have to have another go with your suggestions as it obviously affects all my VRay renders, although some more than others.