Podium light and texture tests
These renders are great again - as usually, when I saw you posting, came to the gallery at once.
I made a copy of this topic in the Plugins > Podium forum, too.
Thanks guys, and congrats on the Administrator selection Gaieus, hope you enjoy it.
Well, thanks, solo. Ihope at least that all you guys here will feel as confortable as before, with Coen - and he is definitely staying with us...
He set up most of the things here so I won't need to do as hard a job as him already. -
These texture trials are getting a little hairy....
Hi Solo,
It certainly looks very good..!! 8O
However, I do have my doubts (and sorry for that..) that some of these can be made using Podium...In particular the last hairy one... SU would have huge problems working with this...
The engine behind Podium is Kerkythea, but KT doesn't support displacement mapping in current version, that eventually would be able to generate the hair/fur...
Would you mind explaining how you've made this..??
I'm sure that many users of both Podium as well as Kerkythea would LOVE to learn how to make similar renders...Just imagine how well grass will look in architectural renders...
Kim Frederik -
You can find more here:
Do you remember the Bathroom controversy when folk said Podium could not render a scene similar to Evermotions? and I showed step by step how it can be done, well the above is 100% Podium render, I used a bump for the teture, and many clipmaps (alpha maps) for the hair folicles. I then softened it in PSP using soft focus and added my registered logo. I plan to give KT a try once the new upgrade is out. Who knows what KT can do...I will find out.
Does KT support bumps, scripts and alpha maps?
Regarding grass, that has been done, and well I might add, if you are able to get into the 'beta' section of the Podium forum take a look at Kwistenbiebel's Sponza with grass, its all just clipmaps and looks unbelievable. I have a small example on a previous page, the one with trees and bust looking mountain, the grass and trees are clips. Put in masses the effect is amazing, and because there are only .jpg's there is no strain on SU to use them.
I hope this helps, I will be doing tutorial for Podium soon (when 1.5 final release is out)
Now see what you did, you doubted kitty and made him mad!...lol
The kitty just cracked me up
. I wish I could lip read
Fantastic texturing Solo (even though I don't have the slightest idea how you did that using clip maps
And Frederick,
Off course Solos work is genuine. Please don't doubt that.
Solo is a master in using a full spectrum of software packages in his workflow to guide his creativity.
The resulting renderings are pure SU + Podium.Cheers,
Kwistenbiebel -
@kwistenbiebel said:
...Off course Solos work is genuine. Please don't doubt that.
Solo is a master in using a full spectrum of software packages in his workflow to guide his creativity...No doubt, man!
I don't doubt you... I said I have my doubts, which is quite different...
Actually I didn't mean to doubt you in the way you interpret my posting... I didn't mean to "make the kitty mad"... I have NO reason to believe that you lie or anything, and I didn't accuse you for doing that...
The fact that the hairy material is a texture where you've used clip-maps, makes a lot more sense... All I meant was/is that if the hair was meshes in a SU model, it would be impossible to deal with...@solo said:
Does KT support bumps, scripts and alpha maps?
Of course... What ever you can make with Podium, you can make in KT...
Reason... It's a well known fact that KT is the engine behind Podium and TBD have made the interface integrating it with SU... Very smart and very good, I might add... But still the engine behind is KT, so whatever you're able to do with Podium, will also be available in KT... (Actually it's the other way around, but never mind..)
In addition you have Fog, Bevel and Edge Outline mapping in the material editor in current version of KT, and some new material features will be available in next release together with many other new features - including a Mac port...It's actually a shame that we don't work closer together... Imagine how many resources we could share between KT and Podium...
Kim Frederik -
Thank you for your reply, I honestly never knew that KT and Podium were the same engine, and I do believe they should work closer together if that is the case. I suppose it is no fluke that they are both undergoing some major upgrades at the same time too.
I have seen some amazing images from KT and like I said before am looking forward to the new version in order to try my hand at it, unless there is a beta around that I can try.
As soon as I find my way around the UI and can get a flow going I will attempt a few bump and alpha scenes, in hope of repeating the above.
I have peeped into the KT forum and must say there are a lot of resources available to all users, I am impressed with the free texture library y'all have available.
As far as TBD goes, I am amazed at his skills and involvement within the GC field, and his little tweaks and time saving Ruby's that he is always willing to help with. I have had a very happy experiance with Podium and hope that in future I can gain another valuble resourse in KT which will assist me in my workflow.I must say the Fog and bevel edges does sound very appealing, I have a tutorial for fog in our Tutorial section some place that is very involved, having an easy button will certainly smooth things over, and bevel edges will smooth low poly imports to the extent of them being an option in high detailed renders.
I hope in future we can work together in the same way as I do with the brass at Podium, and use a combined knowledge to improve our skills together.
@solo said:
Thank you for your reply
You're very welcome...!
@solo said:
I honestly never knew that KT and Podium were the same engine
But they are... That's a fact...
Take a look at the render solution inside SketchUp ... coming soon thread... It sure was easier with the good old SU Forum, but at least Google have preserved it in the new GGroups...Scroll down in the thread and you'll see...
Here's a couple of quotes...@unknownuser said:
some clarifications:
- the name of the project is "Podium"
- it is using a render engine licensed from Giannis
- it doesn't interfere with Kerkythea development
- you dont have to install anything else besides Podium to get the renders
- "very promising - and FUN!!" - K.F. (beta-tester)
and the integration with SU ... will be even better
also it is a way to pay Giannis efforts ... and mineAnd for me being a member of the KT Team, I know it's a fact...
@solo said:
I have seen some amazing images from KT and like I said before am looking forward to the new version in order to try my hand at it, unless there is a beta around that I can try.
Unfortunately we haven't got a public beta... Only an internal beta is available...
@solo said:
As soon as I find my way around the UI and can get a flow going I will attempt a few bump and alpha scenes, in hope of repeating the above.
You should download the Getting Started tutorial and you'll be up running in 5-10 minutes, I'm sure...
@solo said:
I hope in future we can work together in the same way as I do with the brass at Podium, and use a combined knowledge to improve our skills together.
Could indeed be very interesting...
Speak soon!
Kim Frederik -
I thought the 'bevel' option didn't work in Kerkythea when using SU2KT exporter...?
About the Podium vs. Kerkythea thing:
Even though (current)Podiums and Kerkytheas engine are 'similar', I do think that both are totally different in their way of use and workflow.They both adress a different audience:
Kerkythea adresses a more techy 'bells and whistles' audience , while Podium adresses people that love to focus more on the subject and less on the tool by using a '3 button' solution.I don't consider one better than the other, but I do consider them to be both very different in terms of workflow philosophy.
@kwistenbiebel said:
I thought the 'bevel' option didn't work in Kerkythea when using SU2KT exporter...?
Hhhmmm... To be honest, I'm not sure... I don't use bevel mapping very often, and currently I have a new version of SU2KT, where it does work... But alternatively, you can export as an OBJ-file, and import it to KT and it will work...
@kwistenbiebel said:
About the Podium vs. Kerkythea thing:
Even though (current)Podiums and Kerkytheas engine are 'similar', I do think that both are totally different in their way of use and workflow.I agree with you regarding the workflow thing, Chris...
TBD sure have made an excellent plug-in, and despite the simplicity, users are able to make really great looking renders, but fact is that this is not the plug-in, but the engine behind generating the nice and photo-realistic renders...Cheers
Kim FrederikP.S. And sorry for hi-jacking Solo's thread...
It is not as simple as that I am afraid Frederik. You are right about the engine under the hood but also Tavi has not created just a simple exporter. He has finetuned the means of getting the best out of the said engine. He has spend hours and hours with some help of the beta team to fine tune and get out the maximum of that engine. I would say It is pretty similar to cars. You can have 2 cars with same engine under the hood but one can perform way better under circumstances because of the finetuning.
Saying all of this I have to say I love Kerky and use it myself. However this kind of rethoric is not really helpfull to anyone.
Hi Bruce
Good to hear you are coming back home