My very first SU model
link for sport backhoe in models section -
My first model was the Forum and Markets of Trajan in Rome, that one that my classicist friends (who have posted at various points in this forum) are developing for their projects.
@lewiswadsworth said:
My first model was the Forum and Markets of Trajan in Rome, that one that my classicist friends (who have posted at various points in this forum) are developing for their projects.
Pedro, ha? link
That's amazing and I miss his posts...
And Matthew, too:
Oh, yes. How could I forget?
Great stuff! -
My first real model (not including the guy on a brick wall model
Here are my first two SU models rendered in Vue the same day I modelled them. Both were just huts made fooling around and trying to understand how flexible SketchUp could be. I had fooled around with Vue prior to that but just for a few hours. This was the first time I imported something into Vue and gave it an 'environment'. (It is very easy when you can just build an imaginary environment in Vue. Much harder to do one representing an actual place).
I had fun and was hooked on SketchUp
Regards, Ross
this was my first.... makes me cringe when i see it now
this is my first one. it is part of a competition project for a town and civic center in brasil (posted here in may - i remember exchanging a few messages with gaeius about it). what you see is the basic building unit without the louvers specific to each position in which it was used (in all there were about 15).
must say is very badly organized. at that point i had not discovered one must draw always on layer o...
Ok, I found it. This is my first, created on SU trial V2. This got me a full time job with a local firm.
this thread has gone where I never even thought of it going... even though I thought of it. I was just naming a model I happened by as I was putting up all those designs.
little did I think to ask for everyone's first SU... and what beauties they are...
Lewis... what can I say? those places are so near and dear to all our architectural hearts... to build them and share them is almost charity. a civic service, much like Gaieus' work... to bring back what was lost and give it life again in the eyes of more people than saw it when it stood... I hope those images stay on the net forever.
Ross that is some fantastic art... I wish I could get my backgrounds to do that.
Rob... of course you would be Jamming on SU first round out. and with incredibly hard shapes none the less. took me quite some time before I even attempted stuff like that.
Archrag... that type of thing is why GSU got me so excited, play with designs you normally would not because the time to make them had been reduced. as you've seen I'm into wild stuff.
Edson... your structural side was obviously touched by the simplistic creation ability of SU to make new "custom parts" and then build with them... I have to say that is one of the big sellers for me, because ADT is so deep and just to create a 2x4 is like this long drawn out process, and when I'm done, I still have to draw the damn thing.
Boo... I love your style... you have this Mediterrenaen/Floridian style, I've always strived for and never could grasp... I've poured over your stuff and I have to say it's definitely going to influenced my work.
well keep them coming people... this thread is shaping up very nicely.
that red digger is so cute..
1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th
As you can see I was only ever making spaceships from the go. The first one was a house...on Mars! The wallypower boat I had so much trouble with, ahh days gone by...
I am pretty sure this was the first. Boss said "I saw some kinda sketchit 3d stuff...Whydontia look into that...maybe on the xyz project...deadline is yesterday..."
lakeside deck / screen porch addition.
Never looked back and now we could not live without sketchup.