I hope it does not land on my house!
Just heard about this,
http://observer.guardian.co.uk/world/story/0,,2247796,00.htmlStill a piece of it could be worth up to $10,000!
Cool...really is stranger than fiction!
Not to worry Mike..With my lucky lately, I KNOW where it's going to hit!..
Dont worrie boys I am sure where it is goin.Why do I say this?because before 7 or 8 years not sure,while I was playing Soccer my leg started to bleed whitout touching anything and I got wound about 30 cm's long.And it started to be very painfull and very hot,I fall of to ground and could not move how painfull it was.While I was on the ground I saw little very dark black unknown piece of some kind of a rock (size about half finger).So If we will judge by that where it will hit you can relax,It is comeing on me
edit-I am sure it come form space because we was on playground far away form any kind of building or road or any tree,and no planes passed by
Yikes, well that was a piece of alien rock that mutated your DNA, to create....not sure but your avatar explains it best.
Wow Prodigiua, if that is what happened, that's incredible!
Heck, even if it was a piece off a regular aeroplane that's amazing. Either way I guess you're extremely lucky it hit your leg and not your head
.... or extremely unlucky it hit you at all!