.aerosol can.
i know... aerosol can...(i know..woohoo.. so exciting) this is a WIP that i started yesterday for a client..not really sure what its going to be used for..he does alot of instructional stuff i think.. i modelled this off of a spray paint can..but apparently its supposed to look like a can of bug spray... so i wasted a little time.. ultimately, every single piece of this can will be hotlinked..either in html or flash.. but anyway..here it is so far.. made this super super high poly since i wasnt sure if it was going to be rendered or not.. sooo sloww... 100 segment circles
gotta love high-poly!
Yeah, I know that. Once I made a 90 something segment arc to be a guide for a radial array of bricks in an arch. It was a pain...
Nice can though!
It's nice!
And i try to model it
Render in sunflowIf you need to see - http://rapidshare.com/files/47561588/banka.zip
that spray nozzle looks kind of small on there. -
It's just speed-modelling(2-3 min.)
I will re-work it -
you could probably just scale it.
back to the original thread...
Jason, how are you guys going to hot-link this thing? -
haha..i wish i coudl go that fast..but it needs to be reasonably accurate..so i'm sitting here measuring a damn can..haha.. just went out and bought the specific can that it is, and started over.. unfortunately, follow me is not cooperating..and when i extrude it around the circle..some planes and arcs get left out.. i've tried it a million different ways and have redrawn it..but still the same thing.. i think i'm going to steal the top piece off my original can though..b/c this is frustrating.. the missing areas arent too evident here, but i think they ultimately will be
here is the progress so far...there are a TON of little pieces on a damn spray can that i have to call out..i had no idea.
as far as hotlinking.. haha.i dont know.. either html or flash.. and just make a bunch of buttons over the image? that's my plan anyway..
great stuff Mark, very life like...
ilay7k , your dome is a little high and I agree your nozel is a little small, but fine work none the less... I also liked your rendering nice material...
Mark, I really like that new lid or top... looks like RAID!
keep it up kids...
ok, i got you then.
it looks very good though, especially with the can top. -
i guess i'm with you Jason, except i probably take a bit longer to model things than you. i get bogged down with the dimensions so much sometimes... 2-3 minutes to model that is very fast to me. i wish i had that efficiency.
yeah.. 2-3 minutes is definitely impressive.. 5 minutes and it would've been great!
glad someone else is on the slow side though, steven..haha.
Hey, i know... it's like if i could only get out of my own way i could model faster.
i'll fumble around with 64ths of an inch.
that's crazy isn't it...
probably shouldn't have said that. -
try scaling your entire model up by a factor of 100. That might fix your follow-me problems.
@marked001 said:
unfortunately, follow me is not cooperating..and when i extrude it around the circle..some planes and arcs get left out.. i've tried it a million different ways and have redrawn it..but still the same thing.. i think i'm going to steal the top piece off my original can though..b/c this is frustrating.. the missing areas arent too evident here, but i think they ultimately will be
ah ok.. that does make sense.. the original one i did was scaled up 10x just to make drawing the curves easier...this one was only 2x.. i will give that a try! thanks!
Loosk great! My only comment is the bottom stem of the spray tip is too narrow in diameter.
This looks great! I like the section cuts.
Got a close up of how the pressure valve works? I've always wondered... I figured the refrigerator light thing out a few years back - but the aerosol tip pushing down thing I still haven't worked out. Wink
Any now for the trivia question - and don't search the internet for the answer.
"RAID" used a particular artist for a particular reason when they commisioned their bugs in the TV commercials. Who was the artist, and what was characteristic about his/her style?
that aerosol can is pimp... are we allowed to use that as an adjective?
anyways it's marvelous.got nothing on the trivia question...
there's my reference..not that i followed it too carefully..haha..
and i have no answer for the trivia question..haha..