Car renders,WIPs&videos
Nice work Ely! But doesn't it seem a bit needlessly high-poly? I mean, just a bit? Still great work.
Thanks guys!
@unknownuser said:
But doesn't it seem a bit needlessly high-poly? I mean, just a bit? Still great work.
Not at all,i want to make it even bigger in poly count by rounding all the sharp edges,but then i thought is no need because the render won t make the corners that sharp.
See ya!
Ok, then, absolutely nothing worng with that one, it's really good stuff you do. Do you think you could do a 2010 Ford Taurus?
Not having much time lately to do some other stuff.
Here is a sample of modeling a sofa.I did it some time ago for a client.
[flash=640,505:293mle8z][/flash:293mle8z] -
That is sick! I love the studio shot of the p0rn!
I took the time to finish the supercar from the ''so called'' tutorial i posted on youtube sometime ago.
Unfortunately after i recorded the end of the tutorial the video won t play,,missing header or something;so far i wasn t able to repair it.
So,here is the car.
Wow, ely, this is your best design yet! Great work, love the smoothness.
In fact, one more thumbs up for you
Hi GF ,thanks!
It´s been a while..
Thanks guys!
Here's a slideshow of the pictures that i posted in the previous comment.Enjoy!
[flash=960,745:205kt9nj][/flash:205kt9nj] -
Very nice renders. I assume you use Hypershot?
Patient: I keep forgetting things
Doctor: How how long have you had this problem?
Patient: What problem?Duude..u have the same problem as the patient up here, aren t you?
Let me remind you that on 14 Apr 2010, 15:35(3 pages back) u asked the same question ... ''What renderer do you use?'' as the one above..Please!!!
"Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it"--Qoute from HAL in Space Oddessy
New project!
Good start.
@ely862me said:
New project!
Awesome! New to the forum and blown away by your thread. I love bikes, so i'll be eagerly watching for new posts.
Cheers! -
Thanks a bunch ,guys! I hope I can handle it to the finish!
Nice work. It looks very clean and neat.
Almost there!