Car renders,WIPs&videos
latest concept car(WIP),new logo
I made it special for subdividing.Maybe i ll try to subdivide it in cinema4d because the subd&smooth of waat is messing it a lot.Is gonna be pretty hard to make it lookin good but i have to.
requires a lot more time and patience to subdivide a car with SDS but it s worthy.
there is no tutorial for this kind of work(i ve learned by my own)
I'm liken the convertable
Maybe u can have one after 1 or 2 years
A big maybe!
How much? $2,000,000?
great work
That is most definitely the best render I've seen. No, really. I AM shocked - as in this:
- but can't really describe it in words.
The new side is cleaner, but it messes with the C pillar (or D-pillar?) and makes it odd. The old, complicated design did distract me from that... Must be the absence of the interior or the gap between the window and quarter glass. Since it's a render, I'll shut up.
@dantheman said:
How much? $2,000,000?
Well, USD won't do. You'll need 5,000 Unicorn dust particles (must be real - Ely Co. won't fall for any of your tricks). They must be in a sack made of gold (silk would do, but you'll be on the waiting list if you do).
@blank said:
@dantheman said:
How much? $2,000,000?
Well, USD won't do. You'll need 5,000 Unicorn dust particles (must be real - Ely Co. won't fall for any of your tricks). They must be in a sack made of gold (silk would do, but you'll be on the waiting list if you do).
Meanwhile i made this for a competition.It s a Roof mounted light bar for the new Rally Fighter car by Local Motors. Thanks to Blank for sketchup physics done on it!
Wow, please tell me that you're actually making that thing! That thing is "teh seks". Not only does it have a realistic engine (no vapourware!), it actually looks great. I think I see a bit of SLR and SLK in there (roofline; quarter windows...???).