Car renders,WIPs&videos
Wow man these cars are awsome! Ho fast do you make those cars
Near-misses with road signs, U-turns, parked at ridiculous angles on the road. Is there a reason you are choosing these positions for the renders? The renders and modeling are clearly excellent, I'm just baffled by the choice of the cars positions. I cannot imagine a car magazine ever displaying a car doing these things
Very nice Elisei! Especially the radial blur and the smoke! Congrats!
Really loving that first drift picture!
The second one, with the realistic background, needs a bit of shadow tweaking. But I like the concept.
try putting the car in a more "sharky" color like silver
... Maybe metallic orange
Also, if you plan on making patterns, my suggestions would be that black, grey and orange; or black, grey and lime green, make excellent colour schemes for cars (I think so anyways), as well as silver and blue, maybe with some white.
Great job so far, cant wait to see some more pic's.
Your've inspired me to do some more work in SU -
[low-pitched voice]WOOOOW![/low-pitched voice]
OMFG! That is F'n nice!
I love the detail Elisei, very clean and accurate...I love the renders too!
That's f*cking awesome! The renders are amazing.HyperShot? If so, how did you get the lights to work? Or did you choose a bright colour for the active lights and a dark colour for the inactive ones?
Fantastic modeling. Fantastic renderings.
- 17 days later
Cool! That's concept's front wheel arches look awesome. Also, the front end has a bit of 70's Corvette to it; nice.