Easy digital watercolor
Majid...I disagree: I think these images are lovely!
Are you using the fog feature in SU? If so, it really works for me...if not, please explain how you got such a nice "faded" (varying color) SU export?!?
Anyway, these are quite pleasing to my eyes...the interior blows me away! (straight back to the drawing board in fact :`)
(For my taste, I will say, in case it's helpful, the canvas texture is just a bit heavy...distracting here and there to the images, IMHO.)
Also, one thing you might try is exporting the edges separately so you can vary them in PS like the fog feature is varying the washes of color...?
My best, and more please!, Tom.
BTW, sorry I haven't gotten back to you, I will answer your questions over the next couple of days but it looks like you have already started where I would have suggested you look first: the tutorials of Dennis posted here in the tutorials forum...also look at the Bajan overlay method there. The other two places for good info is a wonderful technique Ross wrote and posted on the old-old forum (maybe he will post it here again :`) and the famous tutorial by Grant Marshall (which may or may not be online again, maybe someone has the link, thanks) Anyway, all I do is to combine what I like (and understand so far) from the above and continue searching for my own muse.
Majid, I also think you are off to a good start
and Tom has given you some great advice! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work as you progress in your own style.
@majid said:
hi every qone . im tring to make a PS action that makes easy digitall water color , the result is not so good , and i need your expriences...
do u mean to say an automated action to produce water colour in PS at the touch of a button??
i agree...these are definitely not bad.. i like the third.. the composition is almost there... just not feeling the right part of the image...keep going!
not bad, not bad at all
lovely colors..
Yes, coming along nicely. The line work is nice, but a little to "uniformally wavy" for me....
Nice images majid, you are definately on the right track. I would also suggest
the frequent use of the smudge tool as well as use of diferent styles as layers
in order to create a more uniformal and hand drawn look. -
thanks again . yes i used the smuge tool to some part before texturing and it worked . nice
my action is based on wet WC tech...and here it is:
as tom said (and the others ) smudge tool before texturing has great results . pls remove (.rb) part....
ok everyone . just remove the rb extention , copy the action @ action folder of ur photoshop , load it and play .... enjoy
did anyone tried the photoshop actions i posted? ( remove the rb extention , load from PhotoShop Action pallete ) , play .njoy ... & give ur feedback plz
i downloaded the action.. but didnt try it yet.. but i will definitely try it and post the results here... thank u majid!!!
pls use it over a su pure result ( not a render ) try to duge/burn T light and shadows befor the action is applied . just copy the background layer and then start the action.
also i have tried the second generation of my action that works better on SU outpots !and i think it is better for architectural jobs ... here r the results
a easier way is direct watercolor outpot of su ( the styles) . i had post some new styles here : (i myself like draftsman+watercolor style)
http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=5293&p=29685#p29685 -