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Change active Scene/Page
Is there any way to go to a specific scene/Page through Ruby? (to clarify: the GUI calls them scenes, Ruby calls them pages)
Aha, that would by why I couldn't find it. Thanks!
You can set the selected_page also.
pages = Sketchup.active_model.pages pages.selected_page = pages[0]
I think you can index the pages by name also.
pages = Sketchup.active_model.pages pages.selected_page = pages["Scene 2"]
There is, but it's rather complicated.
You need to use a series of Sketchup.send_action("pageNext:") commands until the Sketchup.pages.selected_page is the one you want to have active.
It appears there IS a pages.selected_page= method, that is undocumented. The method makes it UNcomplicated, but the undocumentedness re-complicates things