Animation experiments
hey biebel,
I love your tests. The house one is my favorite so far. short but very sweet.
I need to do some more animation experiments myself.
Did a quick one this morning, using a procedural terrain with water. The animation is just a camera fly-over.Vue xstream at final setting, 180 frames, 15fps, 500x420, 12 seconds, on a G5 imac, 1hour 21 mins.
Too bad about the youtube quality as original is crisp[flash=500,420:20fif7ie][/flash:20fif7ie]
a terrain of this size would be a tough customer in SU to navigate.
Wow, good stuff pete. Render times are a lot more reasonable than indigo as well. How aobut some more close up stuff? like flythrough in a rain forest?
I need to wait for my quads to be free before trying more complexed models (use all cores).
here is another done on a dual core G5 Imac.
This time I used a Phillipe Bouyer scene, inserted a SU 3D SCF Model. Notice the sun rise and the wind effects on the trees, as well as the camera is effected by wind as it tracks the sun.
15fps,121 frames total 8 seconds, 640x400, Final settings, 42 minutes.[flash=600,420:1hjmvq6k][/flash:1hjmvq6k]
These videos are great! Wonderful inspiration for the newbies out there that have yet to master the video aspects of rendering! Awesome job Kwist and Pete!
This one took 67 minutes to render, has been looped once, The sky changes, snow falls, leaves disapear, leaves and grass change color, new trees grow, camera on circular rotation, SU built logo is stationary. based on Phillipe Bouyer's tutorial.
It was just a matter of time until you started playing with your balls.
I have one that I had to rerender as I got an ominous reflection (looks like the virgin Mary
) I will finish the one I am on right now and post it, I will also see if I can get a frame freeze shot of the reflection....just wierd.
This is the animation, done with Vue, 10 seconds, 150 frames. 600x400, done with quad core, 27 minutes.
However from frame 97 to 101 appears a strange reflection on the glass (from one of the legs) that looks almost like something one can sell on Ebay to a religious nutcase for a fortune.
Cool try!
Maybe this can interest you
Look this one
Many possibilities: Donwnload, video,Hi RES, Youtube!
the crazzy of this thing is the size : 179 kb ! for PCAnd if you want make hallucinate one : Theprodukkt...will make you happy!
it's free
all demos are there -
BALLS: (Sketchup + Indigo render)
[flash=540,438:in1vezsn][/flash:in1vezsn] -
Cool vids Pete
...and thanks Frenchy Pilou for those links. Amazing video.My latest:
Tripods part 2: "Where is Bryce?" (Sketchup + Skindigo):[flash=540,438:3qjip3kz][/flash:3qjip3kz]
I give up! where is he?
That was a long one, must have taken ages to render.
Here is a quick one, done on quad, 26 minutes, 15fps.
The hunters!
Good catch Frenchy
@ Pete:
The airplane vid is amazing.
Is that Vue?
If so, how difficult is it to setup?
What compositing software do you use?He he
, so many questions.
Yup it's Vue.
Well I have been using Vue for three years so I will say it's easy, however many new users would disagree. In the forums many complain about the complicated GUI and terminologies.
I am not sure what you mean by Compositing software but if it helps I used only Vue for setup, camera tracking, object flight path setup, and final rendering.
There are a few different packages available in Vue ranging from 'easel' the lowest to Xstream/Infinite top package, I would suggest purchasing Infinite as once you get going with say a mid range package like the 'Esprit' version and get the hang of it you would want the advanced features like .3ds export, solid growth plant editors and creators, ecosystems, etc.
I still believe Max and LW are better animating softwares, however Vue IMO is the best terrain builder/animator. - are from mograph world too...with scf-tree&seasons. balls and sadomasochism-chicken tools
Thanks!!! -
A new animation
Some Silly objects...
Render time was about 200 minutes in total on my core2duo laptop.
[flash=425,355:3t2qvs7z][/flash:3t2qvs7z] -
He he
Thanks !
A 'cleaner' variation on the same theme:
I wanted to lower the saturation on the chicken but I think I would need Adobe Premiere for that...A rendered still of one of the frames:
Very cool, Biebel.
Way OT, but I need to know (if you don't mind): how's SU and SkIndigo working for you under Bootcamp? I quit using Indigo cause both SU and SkIndigo responded way too sluggishly. And I miss Indigo ...