Left Click Hide Ruby
Dear Todd,
I really, really want it as I work with assemblies of components and the ability to do what I suggest would be of great help.
I have attached a skippy of something I am working on at the moment (a test facility for my lab). It has lots of components and instances of components, such as the brackets for the enclosure. Use hide with the short-cut key and you will see what I mean.
Kind regards,
Thanks Todd, but no hurry. Do it when you can.
Kind regards,
Bob -
Ok, I'll write it. I'll model it after scrtool.rb and post it in the free section of Smustard. Might take a day or two. It will take longer to package this script and write the tutorial than it will to write it.
I've got it written and tested. Now, I just need to package, document and upload it. (Fun stuff is done - now the paperwork!)
Dear Todd,
Many thanks for all your hard work. I look forward to using the new script.
Bob -
Works like a charm, cheers todd.
Dear Todd,
Many, many thanks. It is a very useful tool.
Kind regards,
Bob -
You are welcome guys. I didn't realize how non-easy it was to hide stuff prior to this. All those clicks really add up.
I thought about the Eraser Tool too, you can hide with it by holding down the Shift key - but it only works on edges! (Unless of course the edge is part of a Group or Component, then the whole Group or Component is hidden.)
Anyway, enjoy!
Thanks Todd. BTW, why didn't this show up on the Smustard News RSS feed?
It should have. The feeds are supposed to be automagic - I load a new script - and the feeds feed. That's my understanding of it.
Stay tuned for "Unhide Manager"