SketchUp Gallery VS. Renders Gallery
This question is for the administrator and also want to know what rest of the people think about it.
What are the rules on what type of images to post under the SketchUp Gallery and Renders Gallery?
The reason I asked that question is that I thought people are supposed to post ONLY sketchup images under the sketchup gallery. If you use anything else to make your image look better/real, then it is supposed to post under renders gallery. I was going through the sketchup gallery and I saw some images that look like they have been used some other tools other than sketchup.
It would be nice to have something like this, if somebody visits the sketchup gallery, he/she should be able to see only PURE SKETCHUP images and if somebody visits to renders gallery, he/she should be able to see all kind of COOL IMAGES done by using various rendering tools and sketchup. Thanks.
@newvista said:
This question is for the administrator and also want to know what rest of the people think about it.
What are the rules on what type of images to post under the SketchUp Gallery and Renders Gallery?
The reason I asked that question is that I thought people are supposed to post ONLY sketchup images under the sketchup gallery. If you use anything else to make your image look better/real, then it is supposed to post under renders gallery. I was going through the sketchup gallery and I saw some images that look like they have been used some other tools other than sketchup.
It would be nice to have something like this, if somebody visits the sketchup gallery, he/she should be able to see only PURE SKETCHUP images and if somebody visits to renders gallery, he/she should be able to see all kind of COOL IMAGES done by using various rendering tools and sketchup. Thanks.
I think that is the general idea. I think the administrators are right in not being over strict about it. Who cares if some images in SU gallery are rendered or enhanced with Photoshop or even Piranesi.
@anssi said:
@unknownuser said:
Who cares if some images in SU gallery are rendered or enhanced with Photoshop or even Piranesi.
You may not care about it, but I do and I believe many people care about it too. The reason is, I am learning sketchup and when I am done with one drawing, I go to see sketchup gallery and look at what others have done and if I am coming close to them or I want to see how good of a drawing can be done with sketchup. If it has been done using rendering tools, it does not tell me what the original drawing looks like.
And if nobody cares about it, then why two seperate folders/sections for skecthup gallery and renders gallery?
I just meant that this is, as I have learnt to see it, not a strict police state, but governed by benevolent dictators that look upon the small breaches of us humble peasants with a lenient eye.
Besides, some people like to post both rendered and SU views of the same models. The comparison is much easier if they are both in the same thread.
Im with anssi on this one.
I tihnk for the most part images that have been posted in the SU gallery are mainly SU, usually with minimal post-processing, if any. They are certainly not renders.
p.s. try not to compare your work to that of others, always go for your own style
saying that, other peoples stuff can be a good benchmark but you gotta be careful you dont end up copying other peoples style.
@unknownuser said:
I think the forum needs to show SU the respect it deserves by cleaning out the post processed stuff as it does defeat the purpose of the seperation.
I dont think it does, really. Post processed stuff (as long as its not too heavy) is definetly very different from a model thats been put through a render engine.
For me what it really boils down to is if the SU model remains nearly wholey unchanged then id class it as SU stuff. I dont think its right to put somethign thats just had a background added into the renders gallery, as the model hasnt seen a renderer in its creation.
But if you havent altered the model itself, than you ahve maintained the 'pure SU'aspect, imo.
@remus said:
But if you havent altered the model itself, than you ahve maintained the 'pure SU'aspect, imo.
This was not about exploring the meaning of 'pure'. For different people 'pure' has different meanings. For you, it seems like not altering the model itself is 'pure' and for me, using anything to make your model look better other than sketchup is not 'pure.
All I was doing is suggesting administrator and people to post the sketchup images under sketchup gallery and if you do any minor changes using something other than sketchup (even adding a background), then post that under render gallery. Why is that so difficult to understand and accept?
The bottomline is I (and I hope many of us) want to see the true measure of what can be done by SKETCHUP (just sketchup, nothing else).
I tihnk i just dont want to see the renders gallery get filled up with stuff that hasnt been rendered.
In an ideal world there would probably be an in between forum where people could post stuff thats sort of in between being straight SU and rendered, but i imagine there wouldnt really be any real demand for such a forum and that it would just confuse people.
Dear NewVista,
I agree with your arguments. If other software is constantly being used to ameliorate Sketchup's shortcomings then there will be less incentive to fix Sketchup. When I log in the first thing I do is look for Tips and Tricks and/or Modelling Techniques. Yes, I am interested in what others do and have done, but I also want to become more skilled as a modeller, for work and for pleasure. The response to requests for new features is often very fast (e.g. Didier Bur's writing of the new .stl importer), and hopefully some of the suggested tool modifications will appear in the new release. While I'm on the subject, beware the proliferation of tools. A tool for every occasion is not the answer; it is tool functionality and how one uses the tools which give Sketchup its user-friendly interface.
Kind regards,
Bob -
In my humble opinion, I think the SU Galery should be strictly native images, or presentations using native images. Importing a SU image into a picture or background, or composing SU images in another program is fine, as long as the images themselves haven't been tweaked. To me the importance of the SU Gallery (besides displaying your work) is illustrating the presentation capabilities of SU without the need for photoshop or a rendering program.
Obviously, if an image has been altered in photoshop or other program so that it no longer looks like a raw SU image, it belongs in the Renders Gallery. I would add that I find it nice to see images of the SU model before it has been rendered.
A key distinction between the SketchUp Gallery and the Renders Gallery is the additional time involved in rendering (whether NPR or PR). The SketchUp gallery usually involves post-processing or image compositing in image processing programs like Photoshop.
On the old SU forum such techniques from as simple as exporting large images, then resizing down -- to the sophisticated techniques of Grant Marshall were instrumental in vastly improving the "native" SU output and of great benefit to users. And they took very little time compared to rendering applications. Even the great Grant Marshall and Worncall methods only take a few minutes at the most. Almost everyone has an image editing application so no additional purchases were necessary, nor is there a great learning curve to employ these techniques.
As for "pure" SU -- should the gallery be limited only to screenshots? Is image resizing allowed? (it would have to be to fit in this forum)
IMHO the present distinctions are just fine and should be maintained.
Very interesting thread as I'm torn both ways on the per Newvista's request (remembering my own "how'd he do that's" of not so long ago), I'll now add a straight SU image to whatever I post wherever I post it (I can't see me not wanting to show an enhanced view of a model I'm particularly proud of here, but I have had good look getting the DWC's seen in the rendering gallery so will continue posting them there :`)
My Β£0.02 worth...
I believe that this matter is somewhat related to the announcement poll suggestion of arranging certain parts of the forum into separate forums for the varying genre's that SUF users use SU for. I would have expected that for each genre (whether it be Architectural Visualisation, Automobiles, Woodworking, Art etc...) that it would contain the same galleries arrangement that we currently have on our main page as a sub forum within the new genre's forum. I think keeping the galleries within the each genre's forum as sub-forums collates all topics and images in a concise method than perhaps having a forum for each genre which would be used for discussion only and all gallery work for that genre would be found in gallery category with genre sub-forums inside that. I say keep it simple and all anything to do with the genre in the 1 location
I agree that the SU gallery should only contain images exported directly from SU with no image editing. Post processed images in my opinion should have its place within the renders gallery as pushing the render button is only the first step in create a PR/NPR render; so long as any images posted are clear as to how the image was produced ( but the artist posting the image usually gets asked this anyway!)