HELP! C-5 & C-123 - WIP Attached
Has anyone done either of these two military transports. The 123 has been retiered for many years but the C-5 is still out there. Any help would be great.
I don't know about the C-123 but this C-5 was up on the old SU forum.
I am not sure how accurate or how clean the model is but here you go.
Boofredlay - Thanks for that. It's not great but it gives me a great starting point. I am trying to build the 123 but my sketchup experience is limited to Architectural models where the sides and corners are usually flat or simple curves. This the first attempt at a complex, multi curved object. Not sure how it's going. I am trying to use the follow me tool but i can already tell it's not exactly right.
I need this for a retirment gift for my father in June (after 30+ years) from the Airforce. He's worked on 4 planes and I am trying to group together and have painted by a local artist. We've agreed a fee based on me providing the finished perspective. So, I am going to continue with this and hope it works out. If anyone has tips or is willing to help with a section (ie, the wings, nose, tail, ect.) please let me know. I have attached the file to date, plus the image I proveded the artist for his estimate (minus the 123 + background). The 123 will be the first plane in the line so it needs to be fairly nice - which makes my life more difficult.
Thanks for the help (if any) in advance. I'll try to post updates I a move along.