Looking for...
I'm looking for a tutorial that shows how to attach a pole to an arm that swings down and hit's a ball. Can't find many good SP tuts.
@verrou said:
I'm looking for a tutorial that shows how to attach a pole to an arm that swings down and hit's a ball. Can't find many good SP tuts.
Make the pole and arm. Group them. Create a hinge joint. Attach pole/arm group to the hinge joint. Look on 3dwarehouse there are a ton of them.
Is it possible make something move forward automatically?
@verrou said:
Is it possible make something move forward automatically?
Not sure what you mean. Post a model and Ill show you how to add the physics.
Just say I have a cube, when I press play, I want it to more forward slowly.
And, is it possible to freeze something until it hits a specific component?
@verrou said:
Just say I have a cube, when I press play, I want it to more forward slowly.
Just attach it to a piston joint and change the settings until it is as slow as you want it.
@verrou said:
And, is it possible to freeze something until it hits a specific component?
Not a specific object. Just any object.
How do you make freeze it until it hits a component?
@verrou said:
How do you make freeze it until it hits a component?
Set its state to "frozen" in the UI.
But it moves as soon as I click play, but I think it's because it starts with it touching it.
@verrou said:
But it moves as soon as I click play, but I think it's because it starts with it touching it.
Dunno. Post the model and I'll take a look.