'small' house model...
Hats of to the modeler, you really made it come alive
Jason, ask your architect how he was able to slip into my sub-conscience and filter out my dream house.
Great work
good design?
Thank god people can differ in tasteThe modeling itself is awesome though, so thumbs up Jason
haha.. well i personally am way into modern stuff.. but i can certainly appreciate this
these projects with 20 different roof lines kill me though... looks ok in the end, but you dont want to do an xray view of this model
thanks everyone.
Yeah - I second that..!! That's a very nice design...
Somehow a bit oldfashion design, but with a twist of a modern look... Reminds me of these Swiss house designs...Well done, Jason!
It's a crash between Frank Lloyd Wright, Botta ,some other post modernistic influences and rural history.
For me this kind of eclectic collage tends to lean towards formalism.
Combining those style elements in such a way ,so it would appeal to the 'romantesque' feel of the spectator is a bizarre way of making architecture.It's kind of a tradition in the US to be eclectic and to mash different style elements together.
The last one that really could get away with that was Charles Moore imho.
At least his work was concept driven -
nice analysis, kwisten...i have not this ability.. i am a trained architect, but never picked this up.. i still just go with what i like and what works
There is no harm in that.
. I can understand how these forms can appeal to people and in a way it is well done (proportion wise).
Luckily, different architects have different views on architecture . It would be a shame if we all were designing the same thing
This keeps our built world lively...
Nice work. Looks great!
nothing more to add really, other than repeat those words, nice model and cool subject as well. Good to see some more detailed models coming in as well.
Great work, Jason. not much to add to the design conversation... out of curiosity, where's the "front"? I like the winged out garage. I like the way it can create a kind of personal courtyard feel in front of the house.
I also dig the expansive garage; room for a couple projects, work space, etc., plus you don't have to kick out the daily driver in the winter.
Nice detailed model, thanks for posting.
to be honest.. i never got the final word on what this actually 'was'.. i think its a bed & breakfast, actually.. plus the owner's home.. the main entrance is the second view.. 'behind' the garage..
Great Modelling. You've developed a certain look / style that is very pleasing. I remember your interior office spaces style blew me away when I first saw those.
Has that thread of yours been ported over to the new forum? -
Pkast, probably, i think the transfer is largely complete now.
"Small" house?
Nice model, Jason. The only design comment I have to add is that the garage wing overpowers the front of the house (second image) - seems out of scale with the main block. -
yeah..i am definitely with you there on the placement on the garage.. i guess i'd have to see the site layout with the drive.. b/c there is a porte cochere in there.. so it coudl work..
would love to see some more projects!
Real architecture has no front
Very nice model! I greatly enjoy your posts. More, please! (As for the style - I agree with Kwisten. This kind of stuff proves Tom Wolfe wrong. Though maybe not in a way he'd like.