Wedgie-proof under wear... (twin BOYS invetion)
This was hilarious... (and kinda useful too i suppose!
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Hmmmm....the irony is by inventing this and appearing on TV, they've probably made themselves targets for wedgies.
@daniel said:
Hmmmm....the irony is by inventing this and appearing on TV, they've probably made themselves targets for wedgies.
Hum...there was a time I could have used those.
But I dont know what is worse ....getting wedged or having my drawers put out in front of everyone.
I've never had a wedgie. Nor given one. Reaching into another boy's pants and grabbing his underwear never appealed to me. I guess I was fortunate others around me felt the same.
There they go taking all the fun out of growing up!!
Those Fox News anchors had way too much fun with the story. And they look like the kind of guys who kept reaching into my pants when I was a kid.