Hi all
It's the first image I post to show an airplane i modeled this week (it's in progress at all, it miss some details)
Very good fun to model this one.
another from Kerky , a very quick render and some details are missing cause Kerky doesn't show lines like in sketchup
My English is not very good , it's not my native language and have no translator.
Salut !
Regis Kerky DOES have lines, but you have to select the lines and apply a line command. Are you using 2007 or 2008?
Thanks all.
For the inside I haven't much time to do cause iI must do other works.
I run KT 2008 on Mac so if I could show some lines, please let me know how to.
Thanks a lot.
Bye -
Mon Ami, under the Materials editor, go to the Outline option and you will have a choice of none, weak, normal,strong.
When you get a chance to resume the rendering please post the result so we can see the difference.-- Roger
Hi Regis,
You may also want to try the Wireframe procedural.
Also, you will learn a lot from the Materials Manual... which explains very simply how to use the wireframe procedural.
Great start on this plane.
Very nice model REGIS
Hi all
It's not yet finished cause I don't have time to but i decided to share .
just one side is 2,3mb.
THX all